The three many common varieties of hills are fault-block, folded, and volcanic mountains. Fault-block mountains take place at divergent boundaries. The anxiety causes huge blocks that crust to drop reduced than various other blocks. The Sierra Nevadas space fault-block mountains. Urgently mountains occur at convergent boundaries. They space the result of compression. As soon as rock layers are squeezed together, they press upward developing mountains. The Appalachian hills are urgent mountains. Volcanic mountains are located at convergent limits over subduction zones. They are developed when magma rises come the surface and also cools. The Hawaiian islands space volcanic mountains.

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Syncline and anticline folding space the results of deformation. Syncline folds are downward-arching folds. Anticline folds space upward-arching folds.
Mountains created by magma that reaches the Earth"s surface area. Slip-strike.b. Folded.c. Fault-block.d. Volcanic.
Folded mountain ranges form when 2 tectonic plates with continental late collide. The late is forced upward in ~ the point of collision, which forms mountains over a long period of time.
Tectonic plates creating a change boundary may move only a few centimeters each year. Can also this tiny movement affect people and also communities living near a transform boundary? define your answer.
Answers will vary. Sample answer: when tectonic plates slide previous each other, the activity may cause earthquakes, which can injure human being or damages property in a community.
The Appalachians created when north America and Africa collided. In time, the areas separated and also so much crust was developed that the mountains were no longer at the plate boundary.
How does the place of a hanging wall surface relative to the footwall give evidence of the stress inserted on a absent layer?
When rocks are pulled apart by tension, hanging walls tend to slip below the footwall. As soon as rocks are driven together by compression, hanging walls have tendency to push over the footwall.
Uplift and subsidence room vertical activities in the crust. Uplift is the upward movement of rocks and often occurs as soon as a weight is gotten rid of from the Earth"s crust. Subsidence is the downward motion of rocks. It occurs as soon as rocks cool, taking up much less space.
In a turning back fault, whereby does the hanging wall surface move family member to the footwall?a. Upwardb. Downwardc. Horizontallyd. Continues to be the same
The land between two regular faults moves upward to kind aa. Fold.b. Syncline.c. Hanging wall.d. Fault-block mountain.

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What features differentiate a turning back fault native a common fault?a. In a reverse fault, the hanging wall surface moves up and also the footwall moves down.b. In a reverse fault, the hanging wall surface moves down and also the footwall move up.c. In a reverse fault, the footwall go not move while the hanging wall surface moves down.d. In a turning back fault, the hanging wall does not move while the footwall move down.
What is tension?a. Stress and anxiety squeezing an objectb. Stress pulling one objectc. Tension breaking an objectd. Tension releasing an object




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