Organisms, such as plants, that make their own food are dubbed ___.

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Organisms the can't make their own food and must obtain their power from food lock consume are dubbed ___.heterotrophs
How countless phosphate teams does ATP have?Three (that's why the is dubbed adenosine tri-phosphate)
How countless phosphate teams does ADP have?Two (that's why the is referred to as adenosine di-phosphate)
Energy is released from one ATP molecule when __.a phosphate team is removed.
When ATP releases energy, ___ is formed.ADP (+ the phosphate group that came off)
ATP provides ____ because that the mechanical function of
The power in most food comes initially from ___.sunlight
The formation of ADP native ATP ____ energy.releases
The formation of ATP indigenous ADP ____ energy.requires
The power required to convert ADP right into ATP usually comes from burning ___.carbohydrates
What is the surname of the molecule pictured below?,
ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate). Notice the 3 phosphate groups.,
What is the surname of the molecule pictured below?,
ADP (adenosine di-phosphate). Notice it has two phoshate groups),
Besides plants, what are two other species of organisms that have the right to conduct photosynthesis?, Bacteria and also protists both have members that perform photosynthesis.
A student notices balloon coming off of one aquatic plant when it is exposed to bright sunlight. This bubbles space most likely ___.oxygen (because the plant is law photosynthesis),
Photosynthesis provides sunlight to transform water and carbon dioxide into ___., oxygen and also high energy sugars or starches
What are three things needed for photosynthesis?, water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight
Plants gather the sun's energy with light soaking up molecules dubbed ___.pigments
Which type of colours is offered to record most the the sun's energy?chlorophyll,
An orange colours that records some the the sun's power is dubbed ___.carotene
Most plants show up green since chlorophyll ____ environment-friendly light.reflects
Which region of the clearly shows spectrum is not took in well by chlorophyll?green
Which an ar of the clearly shows spectrum is not absorbed well by carotene?orange
What is a granum (singular that grana)?It's a stack of thylakoids inside a chloroplast.
The an ar of the chloroplast that is exterior of the thylakoids is referred to as the ___.stroma
Where in the chloroplast can chlorophyll it is in found?Within the thylakoid membrane
Where do the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis take it place?, Within the optical membrane membrane that the chloroplast
What room the assets of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?, Oxygen gas, ATP and NADPH
Where carry out the electrons the travel with the electron transport chain of photosynthesis originally come from?, They space stripped from water molecules.

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What happens to water molecules as soon as they space stripped of electrons throughout photosynthesis?The water molecules fall apart, developing hydrogen ions and also oxygen gas.
During which phase of photosynthesis is water needed?, light-dependent reactions
During which phase of photosynthesis is carbon dioxide needed?, the Calvin bicycle (a.k.a. The light-independent or dark reactions)
During which phase of photosynthesis is oxygen produced?, light-dependent reactions
During which stage of photosynthesis is the power from ATP and also NADPH supplied to produce high power sugars?, the Calvin bicycle (a.k.a. The light-independent or dark reactions)
Which products of the light dependent reaction the photosynthesis room needed throughout the Calvin Cycle?NADPH and also ATP
For a tree act photosynthesis, wherein does the carbon dioxide the is needed during the Calvin bike come from?, the atmosphere
The Calvin cycle of photosynthesis is one more name because that the _____., light-independent reactions
What is the product the the Calvin bicycle of photosynthesis?High power sugars
Where walk the Calvin bike of photosynthesis take it place?In the stroma the the chloroplast
What is the surname of this whole structure?, chloroplast,
What is #1 pointing to?, A thylakoid inside a chloroplast,
What is #2 pointing to?, The grana of the chloroplastic (a granum is a solitary stack of thylakoids),
What is #3 pointing to?, The stroma that the chloroplast,
What is the all at once chemical equation because that photosynthesis?, .,