A Rational Number deserve to be made by splitting two integers.

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(An integer is a number with no fractional component.)


1.5 is a rational number because 1.5 = 3/2 (3 and also 2 are both integers)


NumberAs a FractionRational?
√2(square root of 2)?NO !

Oops! The square root of 2 cannot be created as a straightforward fraction! And tright here are many kind of even more such numbers, and because they are not rational they are dubbed Irrational.

Anvarious other famed irrational number is Pi (π):


Formal Definition of Rational Number

More formally we say:

A rational number is a number that have the right to be in the form p/qwhere p and q are integers and q is not equal to zero.

pqp / q=
5510055/100 0.55
707/0No! "q" can"t be zero!

Just remember: q can not be zero

Using Rational Numbers


If a rational number is still in the develop "p/q" it have the right to be a little hard to usage, so I have actually a one-of-a-kind web page on exactly how to:

Add, Subtract, Multiply and also Divide Rational Numbers

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The primitive greek mathematician Pythagoras believed that all numbers were rational, however one of his students Hippasus showed (using geomeattempt, it is thought) that you could not compose the square root of 2 as a portion, and so it was irrational.

But followers of Pythagoras can not accept the presence of irrational numbers, and also it is shelp that Hippasus was drowned at sea as a punishment from the gods!