Restrained -Being restrained is a dream prize for having your an individual autonomy and power taken away. If friend cannot relocate your body in a dream since you have been restrained, this is a clean indication that another person in your life is staying clear of you from acquisition the plot in your life to do the success you wish to.
You are watching: What does being held down in a dream mean
This may be a toxic relationship, or it may be an accidental occurrence as a an outcome of circumstances, quite than who deliberately trying to damage you or your autonomy. The full definition of this dream symbol will vary depending on the various other people and circumstances neighboring it, as well as the emotions present.
Note: If girlfriend have had actually a dream concerned this dream prize or would favor to include something that is pertained to this subject please leave comment below. Comments space a an excellent way to interact with rather who are dreaming about comparable topics.
About Author

Stephen Klein
Stephen is a self confessed dream junkie that loves all points dream related. The is a writer because that Dream Stop and has been working in the field of dreams for the previous decade. The believes that the YOU space the only human being who can truly know the an interpretation of her dreams. You need to look inside your inner thoughts to uncover the concealed truths in her dream. These interpretations room for entertainment functions only. Stephen"s interpretations need to be thought about an opinion, not experienced advice.
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16 comment

Sky onMay 18, 2020 9:19 pm
I just woke up from this dream the being held down and I keep having dreams around it. The first time was probably 3 or 4 years ago when someone tried to organize me in the darkness but I didn’t know who it was or what it was. Now I keep having actually that dream now and then. A couple of month’s back I had actually the exact same dream other than I was trying to obtain up but I to be struggling. I was laying down on my stomach and also felt favor I to be being hosted down through something but I couldn’t watch it. I ultimately got up yet I felt weak and couldn’t with my room light or door for some reason. In these desires I never obtain to view what that is or that it is and I’m never ever able to scream or talk in the dream. The dream that I just woke up from a few minutes ago was a bit various from the others though. In this dream it to be a pretty normal day and also it felt real however it wasn’t. It was probably approximately 6pm in mine dream and also I visited the bathroom. As soon as I came ago I turned off my light and also laid under on my bed. I tried to obtain up however I kinda feeling something pulling on mine arm. This dream was comparable to the critical one where I make the efforts to reach the light or my door but I wasn’t weak. Ns was close to my door however it i will not ~ let me open up it. The dragged me back to mine bed and also made me lay down on mine back. Ns tried to get ago up but I couldn’t i tried to scream yet it spanned my mouth so once that occurred I simply laid over there in my dream. After ~ that ns woke up. Also though ns was laying down on my earlier I should’ve had a an excellent view that its silhouette or face yet I couldn’t check out anything. Perhaps the point that to be holding me down was myself however I’m not sure.

Omg! ns have had those same kind the dreams. It’s an extremely traumatic. Ns can’t gain away and also it’s prefer a power is stop me down, no a hand. Wonder if it way I to be powerless in my life and also I should take control??

This has happened to me several times recently. Just a few nights earlier was the latest episode. In each occasion I felt organized down and restrained but this recent event I battled back. I did feel fear but additionally anger together I shouted, “Get turn off of me” many times and also “Let walk of me”! uneven the former times, I seemed to fall ago into a deeper state that sleep quite quickly. Ns was nice shaken the first couple of times this occurred. What’s weird is that I hardly ever reach R.E.M. Sleep or mental dreams. These events seem therefore profound yet make sense about its an interpretation and interpretation.
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Dream stop is a free online dream source to designed to help dreamers uncover the an interpretation of your dreams. Dream interpretations are extremely subjective, which is why it is crucial for friend to recognize what your dream method to you. Remember that you constantly have the final say on the an interpretation of your dream.