Boron, a chemicalelement with the prize B and atomic number 5, is a low-abundance element foundin the solar system. The is a non-metallic aspect with a black-brown appearance. Ithas mainly two normally occurring and also stable isotope which are 11B (80.1%),and 10B (19.9%).

You are watching: How many valence electrons does b have

Borax (Na2.8H2O), orthoboricacid (H3BO3), diborane (B2H6), Boron trifluoride (BF3), Borane (BH3) are some of thecommon link of boron. Boron normally does no react v air at roomtemperature, but at greater temperatures, it began burning and also forms borontrioxide.

4 B + 3 O2→ 2 B2O3

You are right here toknow valence electron of a boron atom, aren’t you? Don’t worry in addition to boronvalence electrons we will explain its valency also. But before that let’s havesome basic ideas about what these two terms are:

Difference BetweenValence Electrons and also Valency

Valence electronsare the total variety of electrons current in the outermost covering of an atom(i.e. In outermost orbital). The valence electrons for a neutral atom is alwaysdefinite, it can not be varied (more or less) in any kind of condition because that a particularatom and may or might not be same to its valency.


Valency is definedas the total variety of electrons one atom can lose, gain, or share in ~ the timeof bond development to gain a stable digital configuration i.e. To complete anoctet. The valency of one atom can be variable in various compounds or chemicalreactions as result of the different bonding circumstances. Many of the time valencyvaries/changes early to change in oxidation and also reduction states.

Boron (B) ValenceElectrons

There are foursimple procedures to uncover out the valence electrons for boron atom i m sorry are:

Step 1: uncover theAtomic Number


To uncover out theatomic number of boron, we have the right to use the regular table. With the help of theperiodic table, we can conveniently see the the atomic number of boron is 5. Together itsatomic number is 5, the has 5 protons, and also for neutral boron, the number ofprotons are always equal come the number of electrons i.e. Has five electrons inits nucleus.

Step 2: WriteElectron Configuration


Electronconfiguration is the setup of electrons on the orbitals. The boron atomhas a complete of five electrons so, we have to put 5 electron in orbitals. The electronswill be placed in various orbitals according to the power level: <1s, 2s,2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f>. Now,

Boron electronconfiguration B (5) =1s22s22p1(completeconfiguration).

= 2s22p1(condensed configuration).

Step3: DetermineValence Shell

As we know, thevalence covering of one atom deserve to be discovered from the highest number of principlequantum numbers which room expressed in the hatchet of n, and also in 2s22p1, thehighest value of n is 2 so that the valence covering of B is2s22p1.

Step 4: FindValence Electrons

The total number ofelectrons present in the valence covering of an atom are called valence electrons,and there room three electrons current in the valence covering of boron (2s22p1).Thus, the boron has three valence electrons.

Valency of Boron (B)

There space manydifferent means to find out the valency of one atom which shows the capacity ofan atom come bond with various other atoms. Valence defines how conveniently an atom or afree radical can integrate with various other chemical species. The valency of one atom isdetermined based upon the number of electrons lost, gained, or common withanother atom at the time of shortcut formation.

An atom is said tobe stable as soon as its outermost shells have eight electrons (except H & He).If the total number of electrons in outermost shells is between one to four,the atom has positive valency and also if electron are in between four to eight, thevalency is calculation by individually from eight and also valency will be zero. Atomshaving 4 outermost electrons own both hopeful and an adverse valency, andatoms having actually eight outermost electrons, valency will certainly be zero (i.e. Noblegases).

Elements choose boroncan with the stable state (nearest inert gas configuration) by losing 3outermost electron or by obtaining 5 electrons.So that the valency the boron(B) is 3.

Note: Boron hasboth +3 & -3 valency states. If that loses 3 electrons to reach a stablestate i.e. He, that is valency will be +3. Yet if it gains 5 electrons to reach a stablestate i.e. Ne, the valency will be -3 as defined above.

As we know boron isa non-metallic aspect so the is an electromotive and also for electromotive elementslosing an electron is no a good option. This is the factor why boron has actually -3valency many of the time.

We can also findthe valency the boron through the assist of the routine table. As boron belongs togroup IIIa together with aluminum, gallium, indium, thallium, and nihonium. Andthese all elements possess a valency state the three.

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Boron is much better known as metalloid together it deserve to show characteristics of both metals and also nonmetals. Once boron reacts with high electropositive atoms prefer sodium or potassium, that acts as a non-metal. Yet when it reacts with lower electronegative atoms prefer fluorine, it behaves prefer metal and also forms BF3 (Boron trifluoride).