There are a lot of ways to measure your ingredients when you are cooking and it it can become very frustrating when you do not have the same the same measuring tools as the ones talked about in the recipe.

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Don’t worry, we have your back on this.

We will help you figure out how many cups there are in a pound of sugar. If you want to be efficient in the kitchen it is a good idea to get a grip on some of the basic conversions.

It is also important to note that measurements may vary according to what type of sugar you are using as the finer the sugar the lighter it is going to be for the same volume in the measuring cup.

Read on to find your answer

Quick Guide – How many cups in a pound of sugar

If you are in a rush here is a chart that will give you an idea of what you need to do.

1 pound granulated sugar = 2 ¼ cups (540ml)1 pound brown sugar = 2 ⅔ cups(640ml)1 pound powdered sugar = 4 cups (960ml)

What is powdered sugar?


Understanding the science behind cooking helps me to understand what are the best tools for a particular job.I like to help people better understand exactly what it is that they need when it comes to buying for the kitchen.

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