>Angles-> SOLUTION: 1. If two lines are cut by a transversal, the equivalent angles room equal in measure.alwayssometimesnever2. If two lines are cut by a transversal, the equivalent an var visible_logon_form_ = false;Log in or register.Username: Password: register in one simple step!.Reset her password if friend forgot it."; return false; } "> log in On

You are watching: Two coplanar lines that are perpendicular to the same line are parallel.

Click here to see ALL troubles on AnglesQuestion 374827: 1. If 2 lines are cut by a transversal, the matching angles space equal in measure.alwayssometimesnever2. If two lines are cut by a transversal, the matching angles space equal in measure.alwayssometimesnever3. Two lines parallel come the same airplane are parallel to each other.alwayssometimesnever4. Perpendicular lines intersect to type right angles.alwayssometimesnever5. Two lines that carry out not intersect space parallel.alwayssometimesnever6. When two currently are reduced by a transversal, if the alternative interior angles are equal in measure, then the lines space parallel.alwayssometimesnever7. Two nearby angles whose exterior sides room opposite rays are complementary.alwayssometimesnever8. Parallel lines are reduced by a transversal such that the alternative interior angles have measures that 3x + 17 and x + 53 degrees. The value of x is91835719. V a suggest not on a line, one and also only one line have the right to be attracted parallel to the provided line.alwayssometimesnever10. Two coplanar lines that are perpendicular come the very same line are parallel.alwayssometimesnever price by Jk22(389)
(Show Source): You can put this systems on her website! (answer have the right to depends on the dimension, aircraft or spatial geometry)1. If 2 lines are cut by a transversal, the corresponding angles are equal in measure.sometimes (plane & spatial)2. If 2 lines are reduced by a transversal, the matching angles are equal in measure.sometimes3. Two lines parallel come the same plane are parallel to each other.sometimes (plane & spatial)4. Perpendicular lines crossing to type right angles.always in aircraft geometry, occasionally in spatial geometry 5. Two lines that do not intersect room parallel.always in airplane geometry, sometimes in spatial geometry6. Once two currently are reduced by a transversal, if the alternate interior angles room equal in measure, then the lines are parallel.always in plane geometry, occasionally in spatial geometry7. Two surrounding angles whose exterior sides space opposite rays room complementary.never (plane and also spatial)8. Parallel lines are cut by a transversal such that the alternate interior angles have measures that 3x + 17 and also x + 53 degrees. The value of x is189.

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V a suggest not top top a line, one and only one line can be attracted parallel to the given line.always in aircraft geometry, in spatial geometry might depend on the definition adopted from plane to spatial that parallel (If parallels are line that never ever crosses, the prize is "no" in spatial geometry)10. Two coplanar present that room perpendicular come the same line are parallel.always in airplane geometry, occasionally in spatial geometry