Hi, my surname is Jill and I live through a roommate, and we both have actually computers. A friend recently suggested we set up a network. Is over there a an excellent reason to carry out so? &&q1_a1=With simply two computers, it probably isn"t precious it for you to collection up a network. &&q1_a2=By setting up a network, you"ll have the ability to take advantage of the power of a server. &&q1_a3=By setup up a network, you deserve to share a broadband net connection. &&feedback_q1_a1=That"s no right. There are factors to collection up a network, even with just two users. A computer system network is a system by which two or an ext computers are linked together via software and hardware so they have the right to comminvernessgangshow.netate. Devices linked to a network are described as nodes. Networks enable users to share peripherals such together printers and also scanners, to transfer papers from one computer to an additional without using exterior storage media, and also to share broadband internet connections. &&feedback_q1_a2=That"s no right. Most house networks like the one the caller is describing do not include servers. A computer network is a system whereby two or an ext computers are connected together via software and also hardware for this reason they have the right to comminvernessgangshow.netate. Devices connected to a network are referred to as nodes. Networks enable users to share peripherals such as printers and scanners, to transfer records from one computer to one more without using exterior storage media, and also to share broadband internet connections. &&feedback_q1_a3=That"s right. A computer network is a system whereby two or an ext computers are connected together via software and hardware for this reason they deserve to comminvernessgangshow.netate. Devices associated to a network are referred to as nodes. Networks permit users to share peripherals such as printers and scanners, to transfer documents from one computer system to an additional without using external storage media, and to share broadband internet connections. &&correct_q1_a=3&&info_q1=For more information around the benefits of networks, refer to page 304 of technology in Action. &&page_ref1=P 304&------------------------------&q2=So, is the network my girlfriend is arguing I collection up at home the exact same kind together the one in ~ the corporation where I work? &&q2_a1=No. Most companies use client/server networks. You"ll be setup up a P2P network. &&q2_a2=No. Many companies usage P2P networks. You"ll be setting up a client/server network. &&q2_a3=Yes. You"ll be setup up the same type of network that you uncover in most offices. &&feedback_q2_a1=That"s right. Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks room the most common type of house network. Since each node on this network comminvernessgangshow.netates straight with every various other node, this networks do not need a different network controlling an equipment such together a server. Client/server networks are regularly used in workplaces that have actually 10 or much more nodes. In these networks, the client is the computer system requesting services, when the server provides resources to the clients also as central control over the network. &&feedback_q2_a2=That"s no right. Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks room the most common kind of house network. Due to the fact that each node ~ above this network comminvernessgangshow.netates directly with every various other node, these networks do not require a different network controlling maker such together a server. Client/server networks are frequently used in workplaces that have actually 10 or an ext nodes. In these networks, the customer is the computer requesting services, while the server provides resources to the clients also as main control over the network. &&feedback_q2_a3=That"s not right. Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks space the many common form of residence network. Since each node ~ above this network comminvernessgangshow.netates straight with every various other node, this networks perform not require a separate network controlling maker such together a server. Client/server networks are regularly used in offices that have 10 or much more nodes. In these networks, the client is the computer system requesting services, while the server offers resources come the clients too as main control over the network. &&correct_q2_a=1&&info_q2=For an ext information about network types, refer to pages 305-306 of an innovation in Action. &&page_ref2=P 305-306&----------------------------------------------------------&q3=What about a wireless network? can I set up one at home? &&q3_a1=You have the right to have a wireless network just if each node associated to the network has a router attached to it or set up in it. &&q3_a2=You deserve to have a wireless network only if every node connected to the network has actually a wireless accessibility point maker attached to it or installed in it. &&q3_a3=You deserve to have a wireless network just if every node linked to the network has a wireless network adapter attached to it or mounted in it. &&feedback_q3_a1=That"s no right. A router doesn"t need to be attached come every node in a wireless network. Every node top top a wireless network calls for a wireless network adapter, easily accessible as cards that are placed into the motherboard or as gadgets that plug into a USB port. In the joined States, wireless networks are based on the 802.11 standard, likewise known together Wi-Fi, brief for Wireless Fidelity. There space two key standards for residence networks, 802.11b and 802.11g, v 802.11g being faster. &&feedback_q3_a2=That"s not right. Wireless access points room not always needed top top wireless networks. Every node top top a wireless network calls for a wireless network adapter, available as cards the are put into the motherboard or as devices that plug into a USB port. In the unified States, wireless networks are based on the 802.11 standard, also known together Wi-Fi, short for Wireless Fidelity. There room two key standards for home networks, 802.11b and 802.11g, with 802.11g gift faster. &&feedback_q3_a3=That"s right. Each node ~ above a wireless network needs a wireless network adapter, obtainable as cards that are placed into the motherboard or as tools that plug right into a USB port. In the united States, wireless networks are based on the 802.11 standard, additionally known as Wi-Fi, quick for Wireless Fidelity. There room two main standards for house networks, 802.11b and also 802.11g, v 802.11g gift faster. &&correct_q3_a=3&&info_q3=For more information around wireless networks, refer to pages 312-314 of modern technology in Action. &&page_ref3=P 312-314&-----------------------------------------------------------&q4=How have the right to I re-superstructure an Internet link on a wireless network? &&q4_a1=You"ll require a one-of-a-kind Internet link if you desire to share the on a wireless network. &&q4_a2=You"ll require a unique router to share one Internet link on a wireless network. &&q4_a3=To re-superstructure an Internet connection on a wireless network, you"ll must install a wireless web sharing adapter. &&feedback_q4_a1=That"s not right. You do not need a one-of-a-kind Internet link for this. To share one Internet link on a wireless Ethernet network, you need a wireless router. Sometimes referred to as a gateway, this machine has the capability of a wired router and also is maybe to receive wireless signals. A wireless router need to not it is in mistaken because that a wireless access point, together a wireless access point walk not do the very same function. &&feedback_q4_a2=That"s right. Come share an Internet connection on a wireless Ethernet network, you require a wireless router. Sometimes dubbed a gateway, this maker has the ability of a wired router and also is may be to get wireless signals. A wireless router must not it is in mistaken because that a wireless accessibility point, as a wireless accessibility point go not carry out the exact same function. &&feedback_q4_a3=That"s no right. You carry out not must install a wireless net sharing adapter. Rather, to share one Internet link on a wireless Ethernet network, you need a wireless router. Sometimes dubbed a gateway, this an equipment has the ability of a wired router and also is maybe to get wireless signals. A wireless router must not be mistaken for a wireless accessibility point, together a wireless access point walk not perform the very same function. &&correct_q4_a=2&&info_q4=For much more information about sharing internet connections top top wireless networks, express to web page 313 of modern technology in Action. &&page_ref4=P 313&-----------------------------------------------------------&q5=If I have trouble setup up a wireless network, exactly how do i go about setting up a wired network? are there different varieties I need to pick from? &&q5_a1=Most wired networks for the residence are Ethernet networks. &&q5_a2=Most wired networks because that the home are 802.11 networks. &&q5_a3=Most wired networks because that the home are power-line networks. &&feedback_q5_a1=That"s right. Wired Ethernet networks are the many popular an option for home networks. This networks use the Ethernet protocol together the means by i m sorry the nodes ~ above the network comminvernessgangshow.netate. Ethernet networks are the most popular an option for wired networks since they room fast and also reliable. &&feedback_q5_a2=That"s no right. 802.11 is a standard used in wireless networks, not in wired networks. Wired Ethernet networks space the many popular selection for home networks. These networks usage the Ethernet protocol together the means by i beg your pardon the nodes ~ above the network comminvernessgangshow.netate. Ethernet networks room the many popular choice for wired networks due to the fact that they are fast and also reliable. &&feedback_q5_a3=That"s not right. Back power-line networks can be set up in homes, they are not the most renowned choice. Wired Ethernet networks room the most popular choice for home networks. This networks usage the Ethernet protocol as the way by i m sorry the nodes ~ above the network comminvernessgangshow.netate. Ethernet networks space the most popular selection for wired networks due to the fact that they room fast and reliable. &&correct_q5_a=1&&info_q5=For more information around Ethernet networks, refer to page 308 of modern technology in Action. &&page_ref5=P 308&----------------------------&q6=So, what kind of wire do I usage to set up an Ethernet network? &&q6_a1=The most well-known transmission media option for wired home Ethernet networks is fiber optic cable. &&q6_a2=The most famous transmission media option for wired house Ethernet networks is unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable. &&q6_a3=The most well-known transmission media alternative for wired residence Ethernet networks is coaxial cable. &&feedback_q6_a1=That"s not right. The most popular transmission media for wired home Ethernet networks is unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable. UTP cable is created of 4 pairs the wires that room twisted around each other to reduce interference. Coaxial cable supplied to be the most renowned cable in organization networks, but since twisted-pair is fast and also cheaper, it"s no longer as popular. Fiber-optic cable is an extremely fast and is often used in business networks yet requires special training and also equipment come install. &&feedback_q6_a2=That"s right. The most renowned transmission media for wired home Ethernet networks is unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable. UTP cable is composed of 4 pairs that wires that are twisted around each other to mitigate interference. Coaxial cable provided to be the most popular cable in service networks, but due to the fact that twisted-pair is fast and also cheaper, it"s no much longer as popular. Fiber-optic cable is an extremely fast and is often used in organization networks but requires one-of-a-kind training and equipment come install. &&feedback_q6_a3=That"s not right. The most well-known transmission media because that wired residence Ethernet networks is unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable. UTP cable is created of 4 pairs the wires that space twisted about each various other to alleviate interference. Coaxial cable supplied to be the most famous cable in business networks, but because twisted-pair is fast and also cheaper, it"s no longer as popular. Fiber-optic cable is very fast and also is regularly used in service networks but requires unique training and equipment come install. &&correct_q6_a=2&&info_q6=For much more information around transmission media, to express to web page 306 of an innovation in Action. &&page_ref6=P 306&----------------------------&q7=So, as soon as I connect the computers along with twisted-pair cable, am i done? &&q7_a1=Actually, you"ll need to connect or download another an equipment called anetwork move to every node on the network to allow the nodes to comminvernessgangshow.netate with each other and also to access the network. &&q7_a2=Actually, you"ll need to attach or download another device called anetwork adapter to every node ~ above the network to permit the nodes to comminvernessgangshow.netate with each other and to access the network. &&q7_a3=Actually, you"ll require to affix or download another an equipment called anetwork transceiver come every node ~ above the network to enable the nodes to comminvernessgangshow.netate with every other and also to accessibility the network. &&feedback_q7_a1=That"s no right. Switches room not needed on most residence networks. Rather, you need to attach or download a network adapter to every node top top the network to enable them to comminvernessgangshow.netate and accessibility the network. Because Ethernet networks room so common, most computers come with Ethernet adapters preinstalled. This adapters are referred to as network user interface cards (NICs). If your computer system doesn"t have actually a NIC, you have the right to buy one and also install it, or you can use a USB adapter, which friend plug into a USB port. &&feedback_q7_a2=That"s right. You require to attach or install a network adapter to every node ~ above the network to allow them to comminvernessgangshow.netate and access the network. Since Ethernet networks space so common, most computers come with Ethernet adapters preinstalled. This adapters are called network user interface cards (NICs). If your computer doesn"t have a NIC, you have the right to buy one and also install it, or you can use a USB adapter, which you plug into a USB port. &&feedback_q7_a3=That"s no right. Transceivers are not essential on all Ethernet networks. Rather, you require to connect or download a network adapter to every node top top the network to enable them to interact and access the network. Due to the fact that Ethernet networks are so common, most computer systems come with Ethernet adapters preinstalled. This adapters are called network interface cards (NICs). If your computer system doesn"t have a NIC, you can buy one and install it, or you deserve to use a USB adapter, which friend plug into a USB port. &&correct_q7_a=2&&info_q7=For much more information around network adapters, refer to page 308 modern technology in Action. &&page_ref7=P 308&----------------------------&q8=How execute I re-publishing an Internet connection on an Ethernet network? &&q8_a1=To re-superstructure an Internet connection on one Ethernet network, you require a switch. &&q8_a2=To share an Internet link on an Ethernet network, you need a hub. &&q8_a3=To re-publishing an Internet link on an Ethernet network, you need a router. &&feedback_q8_a1=That"s not right. Routers transfer packets of data between two or much more networks. If a house network is associated to the Internet, you need a router come send data between the residence network and the Internet. Switches are gadgets that get data packets and also send them to the node for which they space intended ~ above the same network. A switch must not it is in mistaken because that a hub, i m sorry is a an equipment that just retransmits a signal to all various other nodes attached come it. &&feedback_q8_a2=That"s no right. Routers move packets of data between two or an ext networks. If a home network is associated to the Internet, you need a router to send data in between the home network and also the Internet. Switches are tools that receive data packets and also send them come the node for which they room intended on the exact same network. A switch must not it is in mistaken for a hub, i beg your pardon is a machine that just retransmits a signal come all various other nodes attached come it. &&feedback_q8_a3=That"s right. Routers carry packets of data in between two or more networks. If a home network is associated to the Internet, you require a router come send data between the home network and the Internet. Switches are devices that get data packets and send them to the node for which they room intended top top the same network. A switch have to not be mistaken for a hub, which is a machine that simply retransmits a signal come all other nodes attached to it. &&correct_q8_a=3&&info_q8=For much more information around routers and also switches, to express to web page 307 of an innovation in Action. &&page_ref8=P 307&----------------------------&q9=One last question. Ns am at this time using the windows 95 OS. Will I need to use any details OS once I set up a network? &&q9_a1=You can continue with the same OS, even for the objective of file or peripheral machine sharing. &&q9_a2=You will require to get the home windows Millennium version OS if friend are setup up a network. It is the only OS that supports P2P networking. &&q9_a3=You can continue with the very same OS, but you might need to download special software application for record or peripheral an equipment sharing. &&feedback_q9_a1=That"s no right. You can use the home windows 95 OS. However, for paper or peripheral an equipment sharing, you might need come install additional software. Windows (98, 2000, XP residence Edition, and Millennium Edition) versions and some execution of the Mac OS, consisting of OS X, assistance P2P networking for home networks. On the various other hand, client/server networks are controlled by a main server with a committed network operating mechanism (NOS) software. &&feedback_q9_a2=That"s not right. You have the right to use the windows 95 OS. However, for record or peripheral maker sharing, you might need come install extr software. Windows (98, 2000, XP house Edition, and also Millennium Edition) versions and some versions of the Mac OS, including OS X, support P2P networking for home networks. On the other hand, client/server networks are managed by a central server with a devoted network operating mechanism (NOS) software. &&feedback_q9_a3=That"s right. You deserve to use the home windows 95 OS. However, for document or peripheral device sharing, you might need to install extr software. Home windows (98, 2000, XP home Edition, and also Millennium Edition) versions and some execution of the Mac OS, consisting of OS X, assistance P2P networking for house networks. On the various other hand, client/server networks are regulated by a central server through a dedicated network operating system (NOS) software.

You are watching: A p2p network needs specialized network operating system software installed on every node.

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&&correct_q9_a=3&&info_q9=For an ext information about networking software, describe pages 317-318 of modern technology in Action. &&page_ref9=P 317-318&---------------------------