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cancellous bone, also called trabecular bone or spongy bone, light, porous bone enclosing numerous big spaces that offer a honeycombed or spongy appearance. The bone matrix, or framework, is organized right into a three-dimensional latticework the bony processes, dubbed trabeculae, arranged along lines that stress. The spaces between are often filled v marrow and blood vessels.

Cancellous bone makes up about 20 percent the the person skeleton, offering structural support and flexibility there is no the weight of compact bone. It is discovered in most locations of bone that room not subject to great mechanical stress. It renders up lot of the enlarged end (epiphyses) the the lengthy bones and also is the significant component the the ribs, the shoulder blades, the flat bones that the skull, and also a selection of short, flat bones elsewhere in the skeleton. Cancellous bone is usually surrounded through a shell of compact bone, which gives greater strength and rigidity. The open up structure of cancellous bone allows it come dampen suddenly stresses, together in pack transmission through the joints. Differing proportions of space to bone are discovered in various bones follow to the require for strength or flexibility. Cancellous bone likewise has a relatively high level that metabolic activity.

Cancellous bone can develop into compact bone v the activity of bone-forming cells referred to as osteoblasts. It is in that manner the all lengthy bones build in the embryo. The osteoblasts deposit brand-new bone matrix in layers roughly the trabeculae, which therefore enlarge in ~ the expense of the spaces between them. Eventually the spaces space eliminated, and also immature compact bone is produced. See also bone formation.

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This write-up was most recently revised and updated by Kara Rogers, senior Editor.