Despite the Accord"s significantly high location on the many stolen car list, one extr annoyance is a malfunctioning manufacturing facility security system. Learn exactly how to disable the security device with this how-to.

This article uses to the Honda Accord (1990-2002).

You are watching: How to disable honda accord alarm

Despite Honda"s reputation for reliability, details Honda Accord models additionally have a tendency to experience security system malfunctions. This deserve to be quite problematic as soon as the alarm randomly goes off at four in the morning, waking up your family and also your neighbors. Fortunately, girlfriend can readjust the sensitivity or disable the manufacturing facility security mechanism yourself, and put a prevent to the recurring racket. If you"re uncomfortable playing v wires, find a trustworthy shop that can gain the task done, but likewise expect to pay a pretty penny. Here"s a DIY overview to properly disable your alarm.

Adjusting the Sensitivity

Step 1 – adjust the settings

If you don"t want to totally disable the defense system, you can adjust the mechanism with a level head screwdriver. Under the driver"s side dashboard is a control unit for the defense system. Over there you can lower the sensitivity by adjusting the knob to your desired setting. Execute not collection the sensitivity also low or the alarm may not activate at all—even if the glass breaks.

Figure 1. Diagram of the Honda Accord"s protection system regulate box.

Disabling the manufacturing facility Security System

Step 1 – Disconnect the wire harness

To fully disable the manufacturing facility security system, simply disconnect the harness the powers it. A green, two-pin plug is located by the hood latch, and it is attached come the grille by 6 screws. Pull the latch ~ above the plug and also slide the two-wire bundle out.

Figure 2. A two-pin connector because that the Honda Accord"s defense system.Step 2 – Shorten the two-pin wire harness

Strip the rubber or plastic insulators from both end of the wire, and then push each end into the female slot of the wire harness. Use a plastic zip tie to fasten the connector to the framework or completely remove the connector by removed the six screws holding that in place.

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Figure 3. A thin piece of wire deserve to be supplied to shorten the two-pin wire harness.

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