The gcf the 48 and also 64 is the largest positive integer that divides the number 48 and also 64 without a remainder. Assignment out, it is the greatest common factor of 48 and also 64. Right here you can find the gcf that 48 and also 64, in addition to a full of three methods for computing it. In addition, we have actually a calculator friend should check out. Not only have the right to it recognize the gcf of 48 and also 64, but also that of three or much more integers including forty-eight and also sixty-four because that example. Keep analysis to find out everything around the gcf (48,64) and the terms pertained to it.

You are watching: Greatest common factor of 48 and 64

What is the GCF the 48 and also 64

If you just want to recognize what is the greatest typical factor that 48 and 64, the is 16. Usually, this is written asgcf(48,64) = 16

The gcf the 48 and also 64 deserve to be derived like this:

The determinants of 48 are 48, 24, 16, 12, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1. The components of 64 space 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1. The common components of 48 and 64 room 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, intersecting the two sets above. In the intersection components of 48 ∩ components of 64 the greatest facet is 16. Therefore, the greatest typical factor of 48 and also 64 is 16.

Taking the over into account you likewise know exactly how to uncover all the typical factors the 48 and also 64, not just the greatest. In the following section we present you just how to calculate the gcf of forty-eight and sixty-four by means of two an ext methods.

How to discover the GCF the 48 and 64

The greatest usual factor the 48 and also 64 can be computed by utilizing the least usual multiple aka lcm that 48 and also 64. This is the most basic approach:

gcf (48,64) = frac48 imes 64lcm(48,64) = frac3072192 = 16

Alternatively, the gcf the 48 and also 64 have the right to be found using the prime factorization of 48 and 64:

The element factorization that 48 is: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 The prime factorization of 64 is: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 The element factors and also multiplicities 48 and 64 have actually in common are: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 is the gcf of 48 and 64 gcf(48,64) = 16

In any kind of case, the easiest way to compute the gcf of two numbers favor 48 and also 64 is by using our calculator below. Keep in mind that that can likewise compute the gcf of much more than 2 numbers, be separate by a comma. Because that example, enter 48,64. The calculation is carried out automatically.
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Use of GCF the 48 and 64

What is the greatest typical factor that 48 and 64 provided for? Answer: the is beneficial for reducing fractions like 48 / 64. Simply divide the nominator and the denominator by the gcf (48,64) to mitigate the fraction to shortest terms.

frac4864 = fracfrac4816frac6416 = frac34.

Properties the GCF that 48 and also 64

The most necessary properties that the gcf(48,64) are:

Commutative property: gcf(48,64) = gcf(64,48) Associative property: gcf(48,64,n) = gcf(gcf(64,48),n) n eq 0 hinspacein hinspacemathbbZ

The associativity is particularly useful to gain the gcf of 3 or an ext numbers; our calculator provides use that it.

To amount up, the gcf the 48 and 64 is 16. In usual notation: gcf (48,64) = 16.

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Note that you can discover the greatest usual factor of many integer pairs including forty-eight / sixty-four by making use of the search form in the sidebar the this page.

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