There room a couple of different ways just how to to speak grandpa in German. In short, you would say Opa. (Der) Opa, the grandpa, is a woman singular noun. The plural would certainly be (die) Opas.
This is the unshened German term because that grandfather, and you would translate it together grandpa or grampa.
The word is ordinarily offered with a definite article in most parts of main Germany, southerly Germany, and also Austria.
You are watching: How do you say grandpa in german
Wo ist der Opa? – "Where is Grandpa?
In the phibìc of Germany, and commonly in writing, no write-up tends to it is in used.
Wo ist Opa? - "Where is Grandpa?"
Keep in mind that there space several develops of standard German. The German language also has a couple of different dialects; spelling and pronunciation might be different depending on area and dialect.
Common regional differences in pronuncation of grandpa in German
We use the IPA to compose down spelling, orthography the different ways to pronounce the name for grandpa.
/ˈoːpa/ - typical German /ˈɔpa/ mostly in western Germany/ˈoːpʰɐ/ part speakers from the area in and around Kiel /ˈɔ.pas/ because that the plural, Opas
In the remainder of this article, we will certainly dive additional into synonyms because that grandpa in the German language.
If friend would favor to know more practical German vocabulary, take a look at our German frequency dictionary series. These books list the 10.000 most typical words in German v IPA voice spelling and also bilingual example sentences.
How come Say Grandfather
The formal surname for grand is (der) Grossvater / Großvater or Grossvader / Großvader. You would certainly pronounce this word as /ˈɡʁoːsfatɐ/. This hatchet is slightly archaic and also less in use in modern German than Opa. The plural would certainly be (die) Grossväter / Großväter or Grossväder / Großväder
More synonyms because that grandpa would be:
GroßpapaOpapaOpi (affectionate)Ätti (Switzerland)Altvater
How perform You to speak Great-Grandpa in German?
You have the right to simply include the prefix "ur" come Opa or Grossvater.
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Uropa, Uropas - Great-grandpa("s)Urgrossvater, Ugrossväter - Great-grandfather("s)
If you want to designate which grandpa you, you deserve to use the following terms:
Großvater mütterlicherseits (on the mother"s side, maternal grandfather)Großvater väterlicherseits (on the father"s side, head grandpa)
We hope to have informed you saturated on the various translations of how to to speak Grandpa in the German language. We offered you several IPA pronunciations, a few different synonyms and some hyponyms.