It"s annoying as soon as rain is still pouring everywhere you as soon as you"re driving. Girlfriend might too have acquired a convertible. This overview will assist you come diagnose and repair a water leak inside her Honda Accord.

This article applies to the Honda Accord (1990-2002).

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It"s agitating and annoying to uncover out water is leaking right into your car. As soon as you notification water building up in the foot fine of her car, you"ll need to repair it prior to other materials of her car"s internal gets damaged. Water can cause corrosion of pin connectors, module failures, sensor failures, rust accumulation, negative smells, and also high humidity within the car. Fairly than acquisition your car to a dealer, discover the source of the leak yourself and determine what the the very least expensive option would be to repair it.

Materials NeededGarden hoseTowelsFoaming window cleanerCan the compressed airWeatherstrip sealBody trim adhesive

Step 1 – check the weatherstripping

The weatherstrip adhesive approximately the door framework can develop leaks over time. To confirm that this is the reason of the leak, spray foaming window cleaner follow me the outside edges and use an waiting nozzle to punch air native the inside. If there is a leak, balloon should form where the air blows through. The leak might come native the top, sides, or bottom the the window.

To resolve the leak, you will have to remove the old weatherstrip and install a new one. Purchase a compatible weatherstrip seal for her Honda Accord along with weatherstrip adhesive. A new weatherstrip costs about $20.

Figure 1. Apply new weatherstrip adhesive.

Step 2 – check the drainpipe tubes

Located in every of the four corners of your Accord"s roof are drainpipe tubes that divert water the end of her car. If you remove the carpeting in the driver next foot well, you deserve to see a drain tube firewall exiting the vehicle frame. The grommet around the tube may have come loosened or it may be eroded. A straightforward repair would certainly be to replace the grommet v a brand-new one, and also make certain the pipe securely runs v the firewall. A brand-new firewall grommet costs about $3 come $5.

In the case that her Accord"s drainpipe tubes are clogged, insert the plastic nozzle from a have the right to of compressed air right into the enntrance gate of the drain hole on the roof. Punch air right into the drain tube because that a few seconds. Then run water v it, and also make sure it is exiting correctly from under the driver next wheel well. If there"s quiet no water exiting the drainpipe tube, continue to punch air into the drain tube.

Figure 2. Reinsert loose drain tube into the firewall grommet.
Figure 3. Usage compressed air come clear out the drain hole.

Step 3 – check the door panel

If you remove the door panel, behind the is a plastic rain guard. Although this plastic cover is sealed come the door, it deserve to still wear and also develop leaks end time. Water would certainly then run previous the glass, departure through the door sill, and also into the driver side foot well. To inspect if this is the problem, lay down towels by the bottom door panel inside of the car. Through the door closed, spray water top top the windshield for a couple of minutes. Then open the door, and also check if the leak is native the plastic rain guard. To deal with the problem, merely reseal the plastic cover v adhesive. This should expense you no much more than $5 in ~ an auto parts store.

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Figure 4. A plastic rain guard.

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