The tactical shotgun is a misunderstood tool. It’s often seen together old school and easily replaced by the modern-day carbine. The shotgun is a viable weapon that has actually the ability to it is in the most versatile weapon in one armory. The shotgun is a very powerful weapon, for this article we room looking at the 12 gauge specifically. The various other calibers room viable, but the contemporary tactical shotgun is a 12 gauge.

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The Weaknesses

To know the shotgun you have to understand its weaknesses. There is a an excellent phrase indigenous Dirty Harry, “A man has to know his limitations.” A guy (or woman) should likewise know your weapon’s limitations. Allows look at the greatest flaws.

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Addressing the Weakness

The first weakness is range. We can’t change the rule of the weapon, us can’t offer a shotgun the same selection as a rifle. For this reason what we have to do is mix both ideal equipment and proper technique.


This is why we have a great and proper set of sights. I favor the ghost ring LPA flexible rear rifle sight, and a great solid front sight. A bead sight works well, don’t acquire me wrong, yet if you want to maximize both range and accuracy a an excellent set of flexible sights room perfect. As soon as you select an adjustable collection of sights you want to dial castle in for her slug of choice. A an excellent set of sights have the right to only obtain you so far.


My technique is come reload from mine belt or plate carrier first. My usage of the side saddle is for when I have to reload as quick as possible. Practicing the shooting two, pack two an approach also teaches friend ammo management. Obviously, there room times when you can quickly run dry. The is also why it’s important to have the ability to reload from dry rapidly.

The first step is getting a round in the chamber and also getting the weapon pointing earlier on target. Climate feeding the tube while maintaining the weapon top top target. This is her tactical reload. If yes a lull in the fighting you deserve to reload the weapon by twisting that sideways and resting that in the crook of her firing arm. This is one admin, or all set reload.


If you space rocking a pump activity shotgun you recognize the recoil is going to be significantly stronger. There is a advantage to this recoil. You can use the rearward momentum of the weapon’s recoil to assist you pump the weapon. Through a semi-automatic shotgun, you space actually going to feel much less felt recoil than with a pump.

Cant Beat versatile ammo choices

Regardless of the type of shotgun recoil management is walk to it is in critical. Recoil monitoring is much easier said than done. To understand the shotgun you need to hit the range and start shooting the weapon. The only way you have the right to really improve your recoil administration is to become so offered to a 12 gauge recoil it’s just a mosquito bite. In terms of gear, the only thing I’ve discovered to work-related is a simple Limbsaver pad. It’s impressive what much less than 15 bucks can do because that you.

Run your Gun, no your Mouth

The shotgun is the most versatile weapon you deserve to fire indigenous the shoulder. A pack of buckshot deals an ext damage per shot than any kind of other conventional shoulder fired weapon. A hard tactical shotgun is wonderful weapon for home defense, as a van gun, or in the patrol cruiser. At the end of the day, it’s one more tool in the box.

This post is courtesy that Travis Pike native The eight Guide.

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