Symbols are objects, characters, figures, and also colors provided to represent abstract ideas or concepts.

“Eat her Eggs”

This phrase shows up early in the play, together an instruction from Ruth to Walter to quiet him. Walter then employs the expression to illustrate how women keep guys from achieving your goals—every time a male gets excited about something, he claims, a mrs tries to temper his passionate by telling him come eat his eggs. Being quiet and eating one’s eggs represents an accept of the adversity the Walter and the remainder of the Youngers face in life. Walter believes the Ruth, that is do his eggs, keeps the from afford his dream, and also he suggests that she must be an ext supportive of him. The egg she provides every day signify her mechanical approach to supporting him. She provides him through nourishment, but always in the same, predictable way.

Mama’s Plant

The many overt symbol in the play, Mama’s plant represents both Mama’s care and also her dream for her family. In her very first appearance onstage, she moves directly toward the plant to take care of it. She confesses that the plant never gets sufficient light or water, yet she takes proud in just how it nevertheless flourishes under she care. Her care for her plant is similar to her treatment for her children, unconditional and also unending regardless of a less-than-perfect atmosphere for growth. The plant additionally symbolizes her dream to own a residence and, more specifically, to have actually a garden and also a yard. With her plant, she techniques her gardening skills. Her success through the tree helps her think that she would be effective as a gardener. Her persistence and dedication come the tree fosters her hope that her dream might come true.

Beneatha’s Hair

When the pat begins, Beneatha has straightened hair. Midway through the play, after Asagai access time her and also questions she hairstyle, she cuts her Caucasian-seeming hair. Her new, radical afro represents she embracing of her heritage. Beneatha’s cutting of she hair is a very an effective social statement, as she symbolically declares that organic is beautiful, prefiguring the 1960s social credo that black is beautiful. Rather than force her hair come conform come the style society dictates, Beneatha opts because that a layout that allows her to an ext easily reconcile she identity and her culture. Beneatha’s new hair is a prize of her anti-assimilationist beliefs and her desire to shape her identification by looking back to she roots in Africa.

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