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What was the chief goal of the compromise of 1850?
The Compromise of 1850 was made up of five bills that attempted to resolve disputes over slavery in new territories added to the United States in the wake of the Mexican-American War (1846-48), It admitted California as a free state, left Utah and New Mexico to decide for themselves whether to be a slave state or a free state, defined a new Texas-New Mexico boundary, and made it easier for slaveowners to recover runways under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

Which supergroup is currently the most controversial in terms of the hypothesis for its origin?
By:Cheong Xin Chan, Ph, D

Longest winning streak in college football
Legendary NFL head coach Vince Lombardi once said, “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing, ”For the college football programs discussed in this slideshow, winning was the only thing for at least 25 consecutive games

Words with three e's
Words with S and E are commonly used for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends, This list will help you to find the top scoring words to beat the opponent

He said i make him nervous
We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers, If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission

Which is an example of situational irony in "wherefore art thou romeo?”
Situational irony is a literary technique in which an expected outcome does not happen, or its opposite happens instead, Situational irony requires one"s expectations to be thwarted and is also sometimes called an irony of events

How many days until october 4th
On this day in 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite, which orbited Earth until 1958, inaugurated the space age, and heightened Cold War competition between the U, S

The carrying value of a long-term note payable is computed as:
Prior chapters illustrate notes payable of short duration, However, borrowers may desire a longer term for a loan

What does je suis prest mean
je suis prest: English translation: I am ready: Entered by: jerrie: 14:54 Jan 15, 2004: French to English translations French term or phrase: je suis prest: Clan Fraser | History, Tartan and Crest | Highland Titles, www

How many cm is 48 inches
There are occasions when you need to convert 48 inches to cm, If you often find yourself at a loss how to do it, this how to convert 48 inches to centimeters guide – is the right one for you

What episode does might guy fight madara
Guy fights Madara (Madara Vs Guy) in the Anime Naruto Shippuden Episode 418 with the title: “The Blue Beast vs, Six Paths Madara”*Note that Guy starts to fight Madara in Episode 418 when he opens the seventh gate

Riders of bicycles and mopeds on a roadway have the same rights and responsibilities as
Study for your upcoming driver"s license test or learner"s permit exam with the Florida Driver Handbook, Order nowTable of Contents6

All cells perform various jobs or
Unicellular vs, Multicellular Cells function differently in unicellular and multicellular organisms

Where are the spore containing sori of a fern found
A sorus is a collective form of sporangia that encloses spores, which later help in their growth and development, Sorus is derived from the Greek word "sporos" meaning "pile"

How many days until july 25th
How many days until? Christmas? Payday? Holiday? Retirement? Birthday? Count down to Holiday? When is Thanksgiving 2022 How many weeks until Christmas?How many days in a year? and more on our new Blog!There are 15 days until ChristmasDifferent Date? Change dateWhat day is 25 July 2025Hours until 25 July 2025Working days until 25 July 2022 The Cuban Revolution (1953�1959) was an armed revolt conducted by Fidel Castro"s 26th of July Movement and its allies against the U, S

In a chemical reaction a reactant binds to an enzyme at a region known as the
EnzymesA substance that helps a chemical reaction to occur is called a catalyst, and the molecules that catalyze biochemical reactions are called enzymes, Most enzymes are proteins and perform the critical task of lowering the activation energies of chemical reactions inside the cell

How many oz is 200 grams
››Convert gram to ounce Please enable Javascript to usethe unit converter, Note you can turn off most ads here:https://www

How to cash a bad check at walmart
This question relates to Check Cashing storefronts in the US that cater to those without bank accounts and are usually found in greater density in impoverished areas, I’ve never cashed a check at one of these places

A combination of two or more substances that are not chemically combined
Contrasting student and scientific viewsStudent everyday experiences Students’ understandings of solids, liquids and gases have been well researched and confirm that their early conception of these terms is shaped by their everyday use of these words, Students are frequently reported as using the word ‘solid’ as an adjective rather than to describe a class of substances

Paintings done in the grand manner style focused on
"I can recommend nothing better,

During the 1920s, the united states economy moved through which phase of the business cycle?
Many people love a roller coaster’s thrilling ups and downs, When it comes to the economy, however, most people would prefer to avoid a wild ride

How many blueberries in a pound
Questions: How many US cups of blueberries in 1 pound? How much is 1 pound of blueberries in cups?The answer is: 1 pound of blueberries is equivalent to 2, 39 ( ~ 2 1/2) US cups(*)I need to convert

Which u.s. state has most miles of rivers?
FLAT WATER: Nebraska may not have more miles of river than any other state, but it's still blessed with plenty of water, The state itself was named from an Otoe word meaning "flat water

How many grams in a slice of bread
Bread is a staple food in many countries and has been eaten worldwide for millennia, Typically prepared from a dough made of flour and water, bread is available in many varieties, including sourdough, sweet bread, soda bread and more

200 cm equals how many inches
From AngstromsCentimetersFathomsFeetFurlongsInchesKilometersMetersMicronsMilesMillimetersNanometersNautical MilesPicometersYards To AngstromsCentimetersFathomsFeetFurlongsInchesKilometersMetersMicronsMilesMillimetersNanometersNautical MilesPicometersYards A centimeter, or centimetre, is a unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter, There are 2

Which best describes the first law of thermodynamics?
The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy is neither created nor destroyedand can only be converted from one form to another, • When a system undergoes change, the change in internal energy will be:ΔE = Efinal – Einitial• Assuming that the system is isolated and no loss of energy involved:Which of the following statements best describes the first law of thermodynamics? Select all that apply

Does honey make joints burn slower
The trick to a slow burn, however, is packing it tightly with high-quality, nicely ground weed and using rolling papers that like to take their time, Photo by iStock / Getty Images Plus Use a grinder First things first: Grinding the weed before rolling is a must; a loose grind and larger pieces of cannabis burn more quickly and more unevenly

How many cups is 2.5 quarts
Convert between fluid quarts and cups using this handy calculator tool, This converter features the US cup, metric cup and UK imperial cup

How far is a block in miles
The block is a common term used to explain distances between two places, but very rarely do people know exactly how long a block is, If you have heard people referring to a block or have even used the term yourself to describe a certain distance, you may want to know exactly what it means

What percentage of total daily calories should come from protein?
These are nutrients that your body requires in large amounts for normal growth and development — namely, carbs, fats and proteins, On the other hand, micronutrients are nutrients that your body only needs in small amounts, such as vitamins and minerals