It"s very common once learning about fractions to want to know how transform a portion like 2/3 into a percentage. In this step-by-step guide, we"ll present you how to turn any portion into a percent really easily. Let"s take a look!

Want to easily learn or show students exactly how to transform 2/3 to a percentage? beat this very quick and fun video now!

Before we acquire started in the portion to percentage conversion, let"s go over some an extremely quick portion basics. Remember that a molecule is the number above the fraction line, and the denominator is the number listed below the portion line. We"ll use this later in the tutorial.

You are watching: 2/3 is what percent

When we space using percentages, what we space really speak is the the percent is a fraction of 100. "Percent" means per hundred, and so 50% is the exact same as saying 50/100 or 5/10 in portion form.

So, since our denominator in 2/3 is 3, we could adjust the fraction to make the denominator 100. To do that, we division 100 by the denominator:

100 ÷ 3 = 33.333333333333

Once we have actually that, we deserve to multiple both the numerator and also denominator through this multiple:

2 x 33.333333333333/3 x 33.333333333333=66.666666666667/100

Now we can see that our portion is 66.666666666667/100, which method that 2/3 together a portion is 66.6667%.

We can additionally work this the end in a simpler way by first converting the fraction 2/3 to a decimal. To execute that, we simply divide the molecule by the denominator:

2/3 = 0.66666666666667

Once we have actually the price to that division, we can multiply the price by 100 to make it a percentage:

0.66666666666667 x 100 = 66.6667%

And there you have actually it! Two various ways to transform 2/3 come a percentage. Both space pretty straightforward and also easy come do, but I personally favor the transform to decimal an approach as that takes less steps.

I"ve watched a the majority of students get perplexed whenever a inquiry comes up around converting a portion to a percentage, but if you monitor the measures laid out right here it must be simple. The said, you might still need a calculator because that more complicated fractions (and you can always use our calculator in the type below).

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If you want to practice, grab yourself a pen, a pad, and a calculator and try to transform a few fractions come a percent yourself.

Hopefully this tutorial has helped you to understand exactly how to transform a fraction to a percentage. You can now go forth and convert fractions to percentages as lot as your little heart desires!

Fraction to percent Calculator

Fraction as Percentage

Enter a numerator and also denominator