Place the base and also exponent in the strength calculator to gain the right answer for any kind of value that e^x, ex (e strength x), or b elevated to the strength of n. This is the magic that exponent calculator!

How to calculation -4 raise to the power 10?

Wondering how do you calculate exponents?

This is exactly how you have the right to solve -4^10 manually.

You are watching: 10 to the power of -4


Step 1: leveling the values.

Step 2: main point the -4 to itself 10 times.


-4 × -4

-4 × -4 × -4

-4 × -4 × -4 × -4

-4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4

-4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4

-4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4

-4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4

-4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4

-4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4 × -4

-4 × -4 x .... -4

Using exponents calculator can be much much easier to number out one exponential expression. Moreover, inspect out the exponent rules if you desire to find out the rules of exponents.

The values noted are generated using ours e calculator above. The calculator through exponents tool likewise acts as a fraction exponent calculator if a decimal or fraction value is placed.

See more: Dividing Fraction 1 1/2 Divided By 1/6 ? Fraction Calculator: 1/2 Divided By 6

-5 come the power of 109765625
-4 come the power of 7-16384
-6 come the strength of 1060466176
-4 to the strength of 865536
-7 come the power of 1028247524
-4 come the power of 9-262144
0.1 to the power of 30.00100
0.5 to the strength of 30.12500
0.5 to the power of 40.06250
1.2 come the strength of 42.07360
1.02 come the 10th power1.21899In-Depth
1.03 to the 10th power1.34392
1.2 to the strength of 52.48832
1.4 come the 10th power28.92547
1.05 come the power of 51.27628
1.05 come the 10th power1.62889
1.06 come the 10th power1.79085
2 come the third power8
2 come the power of 38
2 elevated to the power of 416
2 come the power of 664
2 come the 7th power128
2 come the nine power512
2 to the 10th power1024
2 to the 15th power32768
2 to the 10th power1024
2 come the power of 28268435456
3 come the strength of 29
3 come the 3 power27
3 to the 4 power81
3 to the 8th power6561
3 come the 9th power19683
3 come the 12th power531441
2 come the strength of 532
3 to what power equates to 8134
4 come the power of 364
4 come the power of 4256
4 come the strength of 716384
7 come the power of 3343
12 come the second power144
2.5 to the power of 315.625
12 to the power of 31728
10 exponent 31000
24 to the 2nd power (242)576

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