
This deals with finding the roots (zeroes) of polynomials.

You are watching: Write the polynomial in factored form 4x^3+8x^2-96x

Step by action Solution


Step by action solution :

Step 1 :

Equation in ~ the finish of action 1 : (((4 • (x3)) - 23x2) + x) + 3 = 0

action 2 :

Equation at the finish of step 2 : ((22x3 - 23x2) + x) + 3 = 0

Step 3 :

Checking for a perfect cube :3.14x3-8x2+x+3 is no a perfect cube

Trying to factor by pulling the end :

3.2 Factoring: 4x3-8x2+x+3 Thoughtfully break-up the expression at hand into groups, each team having two terms:Group 1: x+3Group 2: 4x3-8x2Pull out from each team separately :Group 1: (x+3) • (1)Group 2: (x-2) • (4x2)Bad news !! Factoring by pulling out falls short : The teams have no typical factor and can not be included up to type a multiplication.

Polynomial roots Calculator :

3.3 uncover roots (zeroes) of : F(x) = 4x3-8x2+x+3Polynomial roots Calculator is a set of techniques aimed in ~ finding values ofxfor which F(x)=0 Rational roots Test is just one of the over mentioned tools. It would certainly only discover Rational Roots the is number x which have the right to be expressed as the quotient of two integersThe Rational source Theorem claims that if a polynomial zeroes because that a reasonable numberP/Q then ns is a aspect of the Trailing constant and Q is a variable of the leading CoefficientIn this case, the top Coefficient is 4 and the Trailing consistent is 3. The factor(s) are: the the leading Coefficient : 1,2 ,4 that the Trailing continuous : 1 ,3 Let us test ....

-11 -1.00 -10.00
-12 -0.50 0.002x+1
-14 -0.25 2.19
-31 -3.00 -180.00
-32 -1.50 -30.00
-34 -0.75 -3.94
11 1.00 0.00x-1
12 0.50 2.00
14 0.25 2.81
31 3.00 42.00
32 1.50 0.002x-3
34 0.75 0.94

The aspect Theorem says that if P/Q is root of a polynomial climate this polynomial deserve to be separated by q*x-p keep in mind that q and also p originate from P/Q diminished to its lowest terms In our case this way that 4x3-8x2+x+3can be split by 3 different polynomials,including through 2x-3

Polynomial Long division :

3.4 Polynomial Long department splitting : 4x3-8x2+x+3("Dividend") By:2x-3("Divisor")

-divisor* 2x24x3-6x2
-divisor* -x1-2x2+3x
-divisor* -x0-2x+3

Quotient : 2x2-x-1 Remainder: 0

Trying to factor by dividing the center term

3.5Factoring 2x2-x-1 The first term is, 2x2 the coefficient is 2.The middle term is, -x the coefficient is -1.The last term, "the constant", is -1Step-1 : multiply the coefficient of the very first term through the continuous 2•-1=-2Step-2 : uncover two components of -2 who sum amounts to the coefficient that the middle term, i beg your pardon is -1.

See more: What Is The Cubed Root Of 16, How To Find The Cube Root Of 16

-2+1=-1That"s it

Step-3 : Rewrite the polynomial separating the center term using the two components found in step2above, -2 and 12x2 - 2x+1x - 1Step-4 : include up the very first 2 terms, pulling out like factors:2x•(x-1) include up the last 2 terms, pulling out common factors:1•(x-1) Step-5:Add increase the 4 terms the step4:(2x+1)•(x-1)Which is the preferred factorization

Equation at the finish of action 3 :

(x - 1) • (2x + 1) • (2x - 3) = 0

Step 4 :

Theory - roots of a product :4.1 A product of number of terms amounts to zero.When a product of 2 or more terms equates to zero, then at the very least one the the terms have to be zero.We shall currently solve each term = 0 separatelyIn other words, we space going to fix as many equations as there room terms in the productAny equipment of hatchet = 0 solves product = 0 together well.

Solving a single Variable Equation:4.2Solve:x-1 = 0Add 1 to both sides of the equation:x = 1

Solving a single Variable Equation:4.3Solve:2x+1 = 0Subtract 1 indigenous both sides of the equation:2x = -1 divide both political parties of the equation by 2:x = -1/2 = -0.500

Solving a solitary Variable Equation:4.4Solve:2x-3 = 0Add 3 come both political parties of the equation:2x = 3 divide both sides of the equation through 2:x = 3/2 = 1.500

Supplement : resolving Quadratic Equation Directly

Solving 2x2-x-1 = 0 straight Earlier we factored this polynomial by splitting the middle term. Allow us currently solve the equation by perfect The Square and by using the Quadratic Formula

Parabola, recognize the Vertex:5.1Find the peak ofy = 2x2-x-1Parabolas have actually a highest or a lowest allude called the Vertex.Our parabola opens up up and appropriately has a lowest point (AKA pure minimum).We know this even prior to plotting "y" since the coefficient that the very first term,2, is optimistic (greater 보다 zero).Each parabola has actually a vertical heat of symmetry the passes through its vertex. As such symmetry, the line of symmetry would, because that example, pass v the midpoint the the 2 x-intercepts (roots or solutions) the the parabola. The is, if the parabola has actually indeed two real solutions.Parabolas have the right to model many real life situations, such as the height above ground, of an object thrown upward, ~ some duration of time. The peak of the parabola can administer us v information, such together the maximum elevation that object, thrown upwards, have the right to reach. Thus we want to be able to find the collaborates of the vertex.For any kind of parabola,Ax2+Bx+C,the x-coordinate that the crest is offered by -B/(2A). In our instance the x name: coordinates is 0.2500Plugging into the parabola formula 0.2500 for x we deserve to calculate the y-coordinate:y = 2.0 * 0.25 * 0.25 - 1.0 * 0.25 - 1.0 or y = -1.125

Parabola, Graphing Vertex and also X-Intercepts :

Root plot because that : y = 2x2-x-1 Axis of the contrary (dashed) x= 0.25 Vertex in ~ x,y = 0.25,-1.12 x-Intercepts (Roots) : source 1 at x,y = -0.50, 0.00 source 2 at x,y = 1.00, 0.00

Solve Quadratic Equation by completing The Square

5.2Solving2x2-x-1 = 0 by completing The Square.Divide both political parties of the equation through 2 to have actually 1 as the coefficient of the very first term :x2-(1/2)x-(1/2) = 0Add 1/2 come both side of the equation : x2-(1/2)x = 1/2Now the clever bit: take the coefficient of x, i beg your pardon is 1/2, divide by two, providing 1/4, and also finally square it giving 1/16Add 1/16 come both sides of the equation :On the best hand side us have:1/2+1/16The typical denominator the the 2 fractions is 16Adding (8/16)+(1/16) gives 9/16So adding to both political parties we ultimately get:x2-(1/2)x+(1/16) = 9/16Adding 1/16 has actually completed the left hand side into a perfect square :x2-(1/2)x+(1/16)=(x-(1/4))•(x-(1/4))=(x-(1/4))2 things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another. Sincex2-(1/2)x+(1/16) = 9/16 andx2-(1/2)x+(1/16) = (x-(1/4))2 then, according to the regulation of transitivity,(x-(1/4))2 = 9/16We"ll describe this Equation together Eq. #5.2.1 The Square source Principle says that when two things are equal, your square roots are equal.Note the the square source of(x-(1/4))2 is(x-(1/4))2/2=(x-(1/4))1=x-(1/4)Now, applying the Square root Principle to Eq.#5.2.1 we get:x-(1/4)= √ 9/16 add 1/4 come both sides to obtain:x = 1/4 + √ 9/16 because a square root has actually two values, one positive and the other negativex2 - (1/2)x - (1/2) = 0has two solutions:x = 1/4 + √ 9/16 orx = 1/4 - √ 9/16 keep in mind that √ 9/16 have the right to be composed as√9 / √16which is 3 / 4

Solve Quadratic Equation using the Quadratic Formula

5.3Solving2x2-x-1 = 0 by the Quadratic Formula.According come the Quadratic Formula,x, the solution forAx2+Bx+C= 0 , wherein A, B and C space numbers, often dubbed coefficients, is offered by :-B± √B2-4ACx = ————————2A In our case,A= 2B= -1C= -1 Accordingly,B2-4AC=1 - (-8) = 9Applying the quadratic formula : 1 ± √ 9 x=————4Can √ 9 be streamlined ?Yes!The element factorization of 9is3•3 To be able to remove something native under the radical, there need to be 2 instances of that (because we are taking a square i.e. 2nd root).√ 9 =√3•3 =±3 •√ 1 =±3 So currently we room looking at:x=(1±3)/4Two actual solutions:x =(1+√9)/4=(1+3)/4= 1.000 or:x =(1-√9)/4=(1-3)/4= -0.500