"Victorem" is the accusative situation of the 3rd declension noun"victor". Usage of a noun in the accusation case, together with thepronoun "ad ", means "to" in the feeling of travel - eg "Ambulaviad victorem" way "I walked to the victor". The building (ad +accusative noun) does NOT average "to" in the sense of giving. Forthat you need the datil case, through no preposition. The dative of"victor" is "victori".

The indigenous "spolias" walk not, and never go exist.

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The ending"-as" is 1st declension accusation plural, yet the Latin word"spolium" (booty) is 2nd declension neuter. Words "spolium" wasusually offered in the plural, and also the plural of "spolium", in boththe nominative and also accusative cases, is "spolia".

"To the victor, the spoils" is therefore "victori spolia"

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