We recognize Voldemort dedicated his life to killing a an easy boy, take care of Potter. And he wasn’t opposed to killing rather either. But Voldemort didn’t prefer to death witches and wizards and called it unnecessary. So why did he death Lily and James Potter if James was a pure-blood wizard which Voldemort appreciated? The price is simple.

You are watching: Why did voldemort want to kill harry potter

Voldemort actually want to death Harry Potter because of a prophecy that declared there was a young whose powers will be the finish of Voldemort. Voldemort was certain it was around Harry because they common a comparable past and was encouraged he was his mortal enemy and also his parents got in the way. Therefore Voldemort had to death them to get to Harry.

How were Harry’s parents involved in this totality mess that a war and what was Voldemort’s reasoning behind death them? Keep reading to find out the full story that Lily and also James’ tragic ending.

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Why did Voldemort want to death Harry Potter?
Why did Voldemort death Lily and James Potter?

Why go Voldemort desire to death Harry Potter?

Years before Harry’s birth and also Lily and also James’ death, professor Trelawney was simply being interviewed for a job at Hogwarts as soon as she uttered a prophecy we learn around in the books and also movies that began the whole story:

„The one with the strength to vanquish the Dark mr approaches… born come those who have actually thrice defied him, born as the saturday month dies… and also the Dark mr will mark him together his equal, yet he will have power the Dark lord knows not… and also either must die in ~ the hand the the various other for neither have the right to live if the various other survives… the one v the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will certainly be born together the saturday month dies…“

Harry Potter and the bespeak of the Phoenix


Both Lily and also James wished to protect their baby, and when Voldemort called Lily to action away as her last chance, she refused and also gave she life for her only son.

They to be both Gryffindor students in ~ Hogwarts college of Witchcraft and Wizardry and also members the the bespeak of the Phoenix i beg your pardon fought against the dark pressures Voldemort was controlling. They both also fought in the first Wizarding War.

James Potter was a pure-blood born to parents Euphemia and also Fleamont Potter in England. Once he was sorted right into Gryffindor he immediately made brand-new friends who we know really well: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew.

He didn’t have actually a great relationship through Severus Snape who he also made funny of in institution which plainly left a note on Snape’s emotionally health and development. Yet Snape quiet tried to defend Harry for his lover Lily even when she chose to pick James for her partner.

The night Voldemort saw the Potter family, James make the efforts to give his wife and son an ext time but forgot to lug his wand with him. Voldemort killed him through a quick killing curse.

Lily Potter to be born together Lily Evans to muggle parents. When she uncovered her abilities, Snape was the one that told her about magic, verified her part tricks, and also became she close friend. Once she to be sorted right into Gryffindor and became Head Girl, she met James and also they started their love story.

The household was forced to go into hiding after a prophecy was made worrying Lord Voldemort and also their child son. She and also James to be betrayed through Pettigrew and also thus both to be murdered by Voldemort top top Halloween.

During the war, Lily and also James defied Voldemort top top at least three occasions, the very first being when they refused to sign up with his cause when he tried to recruitment them. They denied Voldemort 3 times which the prophecy could have referred to (if without doubt Harry and also not Neville were Voldemort’s undoing).

The Fidelius Charm was inserted on their house in Godric’s hole to protect and hide them. Your Secret-Keeper, Peter, was liked as a less-likely target because that the death Eaters than Sirius, yet he betrayed the Potters by telling Voldemort of their whereabouts right a mainly later.

Pettigrew was expected to recognize the secret so the Sirius could be provided as a decoy for information, however, Pettigrew was the wrong human to trust.

Harry was marked with the protection of Lily’s love as soon as she decided to offer up she life willingly as soon as she could have lived. Voldemort’s killing Curse rebounded turn off the one-year-old. The rebounded curse destroyed the Dark Lord’s body and also temporarily beat him. Harry to be left unscathed, other than for a lightning-bolt scar on his forehead. Thus, Harry ended up being known as the “Boy who Lived” and also his story began.

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Since also Lord Voldemort to be willing come overlook Lily’s muggle-born status and also ask she to sign up with him as a fatality Eater, this showed proof that she to be a truly an effective and accomplished witch even at a young age. She was detailed for her certain talent in Potion-making and was able come conjure a corporeal doe Patronus, a mark of the premium magical capacity which went fairly nicely with her husband’s Patronus together well.

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