Consonance is described as the recurrence that consonants sound that are alike at the end of accentuated valuation that normally are not followed with the same vowels (as in blank and think). Sometimes they are supplied together in phrases, sentences or verses to create particular effects.

In the alternative D. The consonance is the "ch" in "River birch and also upland beech".

You are watching: Which one of the following phrases is an example of consonance



Thank you because that the addition. Girlfriend were saved from a deletion, say thanks to goodness.

It is between A and C and I would pick C. The hs in hot and heaven are really soft while birch and also beech are fairly pronounced. Ns would select C.

Consonanceis the usage of native repeating the very same consonant sound: Risingthat morning, Ingraham was standing fiddlingwith his ring.

So in this case D would certainly be the correct answer

River Birch and Upland Beech is an instance of consonanceriver birch and upland beech is an example of consonance. Consonance is the recurring sounds the consonants in ~ a sentence or a phrase. That is a literary machine that is generally used in prose and even in poems. Consonance describes the direct contrast of assonance since assonance describes the repetition of the vowels in ~ a phrase or a sentence. 

a. Flow birch and upland beechIn the abovementioned phrases, "river birch and upland beech" is an example of consonance. Consonance is the recurring sounds of consonants in ~ a sentence or a phrase. It is a literary maker that is generally used in prose and also even in poems. Consonance refers to the direct comparison of assonance because assonance describes the repeat of the vowels in ~ a phrase or a sentence. Some instances of consonance room the following:pitter pattersells seashellssunny Sunday

Consonanceis the usage of words repeating the same consonant sound: Risingthat morning, Ingraham was standing fiddlingwith his ring.

so A is correct in this case

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Write one adaptation for an audience expecting a modern-day english prize ! shakespeare’s language: yet soft, what light with yonder home window breaks? it is the east and juliet is the sun! arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,who is currently sick and also pale through grief the thou she maid art far more fair 보다 not her maid, because she is envious; her vestal livery is however sick and also green, and also none yet fools perform wear it. Cast it is mine lady, o, it is my love! o that she knew she were! she speaks, yet she says nothing; what the that? she eye discourses, i will answer it. Ns am as well bold: "tis no to me she speaks.two the the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, execute entreat she eyesto twinkle in your spheres till castle return.what if she eyes to be there, castle in she head? the brightness of her cheek would certainly shame those stars,as daylight doth a lamp. Her eyes in heaven would with the airy region stream for this reason brightthat birds would certainly sing and think the were no night.see just how she leans her cheek upon her hand o that i were a glove upon that hand,that i might touch that cheek!