A polyhedron is a 3D-shape that has level faces, directly edges, and also sharp vertices (corners). The word "polyhedron" is obtained from a Greek word, where "poly" means "many" and also hedron means "surface".Thus, when many flat surfaces are joined with each other they type a polyhedron.

You are watching: Which of the following are polyhedrons

1.Polyhedron Definition
2.Polyhedron Formula
3.Types the Polyhedron
4.Solved Examples
5.Practice Questions
6.FAQs on Polyhedron

A polyhedron is a three-dimensional solid made up of polygons. It has level faces, directly edges, and vertices. For example, a cube, prism, or pyramid space polyhedrons. Cones, spheres, and also cylinders are non-polyhedrons due to the fact that their sides are not polygons and also they have actually curved surfaces. The many of a polyhedron is also known as polyhedra. They are classified together prisms, pyramids, and also platonic solids. Because that example, triangle prism, square prism, rectangle-shaped pyramid, square pyramid, and cube (platonic solid) space polyhedrons.Observe the following figure which mirrors the different kinds that polyhedrons.


Counting Faces, Vertices, and also Edges

The size of a polyhedron room classified together faces, edges, and also vertices.

Face: The level surface that a polyhedron is termed as its face.Edge: The two faces meet in ~ a line referred to as the edge.Vertices: The point of intersection of two edges is a vertex.

Observe the following number which reflects the face, vertex, and also edges of a shape.


Polyhedron Formula

There is a relationship in between the variety of faces, edges, and also vertices in a polyhedron. We deserve to represent this partnership as a math formula known as the Euler"s Formula.Euler"s Formula ⇒ F + V - E = 2, where, F = variety of faces, V = number of vertices, and also E = variety of edgesBy making use of the Euler"s Formula we have the right to easily discover the lacking part of a polyhedron. Us can also verify if a polyhedron v the given number of parts exists or not. Because that example, a cube has actually 6 faces, 8 vertices (corner points) and also 12 edges. Let us examine whether a cube is a polyhedron or not by utilizing the Euler"s formula. F = 6, V = 8, E = 12 Euler"s Formula ⇒ F + V - E = 2 where, F = variety of faces; V = number of vertices; E = variety of edgesSubstituting the values in the formula: 6 + 8 - 12 = 2 ⇒ 2 = 2. For this reason proved, cube is a polyhedron. 

Types the Polyhedron

Polyhedra are mainly separated into two varieties – consistent polyhedron and irregular polyhedron.Regular PolyhedronA consistent polyhedron is also called a platonic solid whose deals with are regular polygons and are congruent to every other. In a consistent polyhedron, all the polyhedral angles space equal. There are five continual polyhedrons. The adhering to is the list of five consistent polyhedrons.

Tetrahedron: A tetrahedron has 4 faces, 6 edges, and also 4 vertices (corners); and also the shape of every face is an it is intended triangle.Cube: A cube has 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices; and the form of each challenge is a square.Regular Octahedron: A continual octahedron has 8 faces, 12 edges, and 6 vertices; and the shape of each face is an it is intended triangle.Regular Icosahedron: A continuous icosahedron has 20 faces, 30 edges, and 12 vertices; and also the form of each confront is an it is provided triangle.

Observe the following figure which shows the various types of continual polyhedrons.


Irregular PolyhedronA polyhedron with irregular polygonal encounters that room not congruent to each other, and in i beg your pardon the polyhedral angles room not same is dubbed an rarely often, rarely polyhedron.


Convex PolyhedronA convex polyhedron is similar to a convex polygon. If a heat segment joining any type of two point out on the surface ar of a polyhedron entirely lies inside the polyhedron, the is referred to as a convex polyhedron.

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Concave PolyhedronA concave polyhedron is quite similar to a concave polygon. If a heat segment joining any two points on the surface of a polyhedron goes external the polyhedron, the is referred to as a concave polyhedron.


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