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You are watching: Which is a similarity between alcohol fermentation and aerobic respiration?


to move respiration and also fermentation space both reaction that take place within organisms that usage glucose as a reactant and develop energy in the type of adenosene triphosphate.

The largest difference between cellular respiration and also fermentation is the presence or absence of oxygen . To move respiration is described as aerobic respiration because...

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Cellular respiration and also fermentation space both reactions that occur within biology that usage glucose as a reactant and produce energy in the kind of adenosine triphosphate.

The biggest difference in between cellular respiration and also fermentation is the presence or absence of oxygen. Cellular respiration is referred to as aerobic respiration due to the fact that it provides oxygen (“aero” = air or atmosphere). Fermentation is referred to as anaerobic respiration since it does not usage oxygen (“an” = not, “aero” = wait or atmosphere). Another big difference in between the two processes is the quantity of ATP produced.

Each process is defined in much more detail below.

Cellular Respiration= Aerobic Respiration

When we breath, aerobic respiration is occurring because we space using the oxygen that is lugged into our lungs as soon as we inhale. Cellular respiration occurs in ~ mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. During cellular respiration, the oxygen gas that we inhale reacts v the sugar referred to as glucose in bespeak to produce water, carbon dioxide gas, and also ATP. Overall, aerobic respiration produce a network of 34-36 ATPs.

Fermentation = Anaerobic Respiration

Fermentation is a metabolic process that convert carbohydrates, such together starch or sugar, right into lactic mountain or alcohol in the lack of oxygen. Contrasted to aerobic respiration, fermentation to produce much less ATP. Only a network of 2 ATP is developed during fermentation.

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Ethanol fermentation and also lactic mountain fermentation space the two types of fermentation. Ethanol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation different in the commodities they make. Each procedure is explained below.

Ethanol fermentation is the kind of fermentation the produces alcohol. It is done by yeast and also some strains that bacteria. During ethanol fermentation, pyruvate from glucose line is broken into ethanol and also carbon dioxide. Because ethanol fermentation produce alcohol, the is supplied to create beer and also wine. The carbon dioxide created by ethanol fermentation is valuable in the make of breads.During lactic mountain fermentation, six-carbon carbohydrates, such together the pyruvate molecule from glycolysis or lactose, space converted right into cellular power (ATP) and also lactic acid. Lactic mountain occurs in ~ muscle cells during intense intervals of activity when energy is needed at a quicker rate 보다 oxygen can be supplied. The lactic acid created is the “burn” that athletes feel after an extreme workout.