In most English sentences v an action verb,the subject performs the action denoted by the verb.
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this examples present that the topic is doingthe verb"s action.

Because the subject does or "acts upon"the verb in such sentences, the sentences are stated to it is in in the active voice.
Passive voice
One can adjust the common word stimulate of manyactive sentence (those with a direct object) so the the subject is no longer active,but is, instead, being acted upon by the verb - or passive.
keep in mind in these examples how the subject-verbrelationship has changed.

Because the subject is being "actedupon" (or is passive), such sentences are claimed to be in the passivevoice.
NOTE: vivid parrots live in therainforests cannot be readjusted to passive voice since the sentence walk nothave a straight object.
To adjust a sentence from energetic to passive voice,do the following:
1. Relocate the energetic sentence"sdirect object into the sentence"s topic slot

2. Ar the active sentence"s topic intoa phrase start with the preposition by

3. Include a type of the assistant verb beto the main verb and change the main verb"s form

Because passive voice sentences necessarily addwords and change the common doer-action-receiver of action direction, they may make thereader work harder to recognize the plan meaning.
As the examples below illustrate, a sentencein active voice flows much more smoothly and is much easier to recognize thanthe very same sentence in passive voice.

It is generally preferable to use the ACTIVEvoice.
To adjust a passive voice sentence right into an activevoice sentence, merely reverse the steps displayed above.
1. Move the passive sentence"ssubject into the active sentence"s straight object slot

2. Eliminate the auxiliary verb be from the main verb and change main verb"s kind if needed

3. Place the passive sentence"s object of the preposition by into the topic slot.
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Because it is more direct, many writers favor touse the energetic voice anytime possible.
The passive voice may be a much better choice,however, when
the doer that the activity is unknown, unwanted, or unneeded in the sentenceExamples
