I think the worth of y would be 9because if you placed 3 in place of x the equation would certainly be 6.4(3)+2.8y then you would simplify it to 19.2+2.8y19.2-44.4=25.5 25.2/2.8=9 which is the value of yinvernessgangshow.net=9

You are watching: What is the value of y in the equation 6.4x + 2.8y = 44.4, when x = 3?

The invernessgangshow.net would be 19.2 Yes, currently we subtract it to both political parties "44.4 - 19.2" and also you have actually your invernessgangshow.net 

Is color preference is a an excellent predictor the condiment preference, and then explain whether condiment preference is a good predic


DJ Bronson is do a playlist because that a demo CD; he is make the efforts to decide what 10 song to play and also in what stimulate they need to be pla

There room 7.26 × 10⁵ different playlists

Since DJ Bronson wants to do a playlist of 10 songs and has his options narrowed down to 7 blues, 6 rock, 4 country, and 6 jazz songs, and also he desires to play every 7 blues songs.

Since the order problem in the plan of the songs and also 7 blues songs room playing, we usage permutation, So, we have actually 7! methods of arranging the 7 blues songs.

We room left with space for three other songs.

Since we have actually 6 rock, 4 country, and 6 jazz songs, the number of means of arranging 6 rock songs is ⁶P₁ = 6. The number of ways of arranging 4 country songs is ⁴P₁ = 4, and also the number the ways of arranging 6 jazz songs is ⁶P₁ = 6.

So, the total number of ways of arranging every 10 songs is 7! × 6 × 4 × 6 = 725760 ways

= 7.25760 × 10⁵

= 7.26 × 10⁵ various playlists

So, there room 7.26 × 10⁵ different playlists

Learn more about permutations here:


4 0
9 month ago
Simplify the expression 2√ 20 − 3√ 7 − 2√ 5 + 4√ 63 .
Lynna <10>
The invernessgangshow.net is C i think though
3 0
9 months ago
68 divided by 10 by the power of 3
den301095 <7>

invernessgangshow.net: 0.068

Step-by-step explanation:

You need to move the decimal place 3 to the left since you"re dividing.

8 0
5 month ago
Read 2 an ext invernessgangshow.nets
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