How execute I revolve -2/9 right into a decimal? It can be a repeating decimal it just has to be a decimal and I"m not sure how to make it a decimal.

You are watching: What is 2/9 as a decimal


Anytime you watch a portion, it implies "divide the optimal number (numerator) by the bottom number (denominator)"

In this instance, that"s -2/9 = -2 separated by 9 = -0.22222.... (repeating forever). If the height and also bottom have the same sign (both are positive, or both are negative), then the outcome (answer) will be positive. But if the indications are various (either one is positive and the other one is negative), then the result will certainly we negative.


Anvarious other means to accomplish the answer:

When the numerator is smaller than the denominator, it is better to multiply with a number so that it becomes bigger than the denominator. Here I multiply the height with 10.

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-2/9 = (1/10) (-20/9) = -1/10 (2.222....)= -0.22222.....

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