Is this comparable in nuance to speak in English, "OK then," to imply that an commitment has been got to or a meeting is around to conclude (i.e., "I think we"re excellent here"), etc.?



It might be "alright then," or it could be more vague, due to the fact that "pues" is a typical filler word the doesn"t necessarily convey meaning. If friend think about it, "okay" in English could suggest the an commitment has been reached, however it might likewise be supplied as a filler.

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It might indicate finality, however I wouldn"t rely on it there is no some an ext clarification.


There room two various contexts to specify ""Ok pues"":

If you"re talking with someone and also that person provides you one opinion that something and you desire to provide your opinion too. Therefore as not to it is in rude, after her/his opinion you might say ""Ok, pues, yo pienso que..."" That can be interpreted like ""In mine opinion" or "I think the in an additional way"".

The second method is once you want to end up a conversation in a much more rude way. You don"t desire to talk through that human or you want to talk about another topic. It"s a type of rude means to complete a conversation without the acceptance of the other person.



ok pues = Alright then.

As pointed out above, pues is a filler native that changes a bit depending on context.

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