This is as result of the various numbers of electron in each molecule and VSEPR (Valence shell Electron Repulsion) theory. This theory claims that together electrons space negatively charged, the valence electrons in different atoms in a molecule repel every other. But, lone pair electrons take it up much more space than bonding electrons, as they are only attracted to one atom fairly than two, for this reason they repel an ext than bonding electron. As such we can order repulsions between different varieties of electron pairs: lone pair-lone pair > bonding pair- lone pair > bonding pair - bonding pair.

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The total number of valence electron in invernessgangshow.net2 is 4 native carbon, plus 6 from every oxygen = 16. The carbon is in the centre since it has lower electronegativity. If us only kind single bonds from C-O, carbon does not type a steady octet of electrons so we have to from twin bonds. O=C=O over there are only bonding electrons roughly the carbon which repel same so the molecule is linear. For H2O, the total number of valence electrons is 1 from each hydrogen to add 6 indigenous oxygen = 8. Us cannot put hydrogen in the centre because it can only hold two electrons, because of its principle quantum number of 1. Because of this oxygen go in the centre. Forming solitary bonds to every hydrogen leaves two an ext pairs of electrons which go roughly the oxygen atom, to finish the octet. These room lone pairs. Over there are four pairs the electrons roughly the oxygen atom therefore it can not be linear. It must be v-shaped! If every pair of electron repelled same it would be in a tetrahedral arrangement, with 109 degree bond angles. However lone bag repel much more than bonding pairs, invernessgangshow.netmpressing the bonding angle to 104.5 degrees.


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