In this video, we're going tolook in ~ the routine table. We're going come classifythe aspects into groups. And also so as we gothrough these terms, I'm going come bechecking them off. The teams are the verticalcolumns on the regular table. And so, if ns go end here, i cansee that every one of these elements are in the exact same vertical column. So all these elementsare in the very same group. And also we contact this team 1. I can see that allof these elements are also in the exact same column. So every these elementsare in the same group, and also we speak to this team 2. I can continuelabeling mine groups. This would be group 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. And also then ns go backup to here, and I deserve to see ns have another verticalcolumn, so team 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and also finally 18. Therefore that's one way tonumber her groups. There is another wayto number your groups, and that would certainly be come saythat team 1 is group 1A, team 2 is group 2A. And also then kind of ignoringgroups 3 v 12, continue on through yournumbering system. For this reason 1A, 2A-- that would makethis group 3A, group 4A, group five 5A, group6A, 7A, and also finally 8A. And this second method ofnumbering your groups is advantageous when you're thinkingabout valence electrons. And so let's move on tothe ide of periods. A duration is a horizontalrow on the routine table. And so, if ns look atperiod 1, and I simply move across my periodic table,hydrogen is in the an initial period and so is helium. I relocate on to the second period,so lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen,fluorine, and also neon. And also so I have the right to continuewith numbering my periods, therefore this would certainly beperiod 3, 4, 5, and also 6. Now notice I don't havethe entire periodic table on this video. Ns didn't have actually enoughroom, and also we're not really going to talk about allof those elements anyway. So let's walk ahead andfocus on metals next. Let's talk aboutthe alkali metals. As soon as I'm talkingabout metals, I'm going to try towrite that in red here. The alkali steels are foundin team 1, or group 1A, therefore things prefer lithium,and sodium, potassium. So below are my alkali metals. The alkali metals aresoft, silvery steels that are exceptionally reactive. And also one nice point aboutorganizing aspects into teams is facets in the samegroup have similar chemical properties. And also so the alkali metalsreact in comparable ways. For example, every the alkalimetals will react with water. And also the alkali metalsturn out to it is in so reactive the you're notgoing to uncover them in your pure state in nature. You're no going towalk outside and also find some sodium lying on the ground. They're found innature in combination with other elements. Let's talk around hydrogen,because hydrogen is likewise in group 1, but hydrogenis no an alkali metal. Hydrogen is a nonmetal. Therefore let me go ahead anddraw the in environment-friendly here. I will representnonmetals in green. Hydrogen is theexception in team 1. Next, let's speak aboutthe alkaline planet metals. You uncover those in team 2, orgroup 2A, so right in here. Things prefer magnesiumand calcium and also strontium space your alkaline planet metals. Her alkaline earthmetals are reactive-- not rather as reactive asthe steels in team 1, however you don't find thesein the pure state, either. You find them in combinationwith various other elements. And also so once again, thealkaline planet metals space going to reactin similar ways. They have actually similarchemical properties, and so that's, again,a convenient means of arranging the periodictable into groups. For appropriate now,let's just go ahead and say-- teams 3 with 12--these room all metals in here. And also let's simply talk aboutmetals in general for a minute. Metals, theproperties that metals. Steels are solidsat room temperature, other than for mercury. So here is mercury down here,which is a liquid at room temperature. Metals are verymalleable, which means you can form theminto different shapes. They're an extremely workable. They're not brittle. Metals are alsoductile, which way you can draw them right into wires. Girlfriend can type them right into wires. Because that example, like copper. Here's copper ideal here. Copper wires, that course,carry existing in homes. So metals are great conductorsof heat and also electricity. And so those are theproperties of metals that most textbookswill speak about. Let's contrast thosewith nonmetals. Nonmetals-- if youhave a solid nonmetal, those solids would have tendency tobe brittle, not malleable prefer metals. Nonmetals are poor conductorsof heat and electricity. Therefore you discover nonmetals indifferent states of matter. Let's talk around oneof the nonmetals now, and also that would be the halogens. Let's discover the halogenson our regular table. You find them ingroup 7A, or team 17, things favor fluorine,chlorine, bromine. Here are her halogensright in here. Halogens room veryreactive nonmetals. For this reason they're often verycolorful, very, very corrosive, and also the name halogenactually means salt former. We're in reality going to comeback to that in the next video clip when we look at someelectron configurations and we talk about why thesethings room so reactive. And so those space the halogens. Next, let's findthe noble gases. The noble gases room foundin team 8A, or team 18. Some of these are very famous,like helium, neon, argon, krypton. Here are her noble gases. They're colorless gases,and they're generally really unreactive. Once again, we'll talkabout why in the next video clip when we talk about someelectron configurations. There space some othernonmetals on here, which i willidentify in a minute. But first I want totalk about the reality that girlfriend pretty much findmetals ~ above the left side of the periodic table. For this reason let me walk backto the red color. And you can see i haveall these steels over below on the left side. And then for my nonmetals,in green, you're walk to discover those overhere top top the right side of your regular table. The dividing linebetween those-- permit me walk ahead anddraw the in there-- it's type of a zigzag line. Let me check out if ns cansketch that in here. The splitting line wouldgo something favor this. We're walking to go a zigzagline under our periodic table. And some that the aspects thatyou find on this zigzag line have actually properties in betweenthose that metals and nonmetals, and also we call those metalloids. Let's go ahead and talkabout metalloids now. Metalloids-- oid, ofcourse, being prefer a metal, for this reason it's similar to metals,but, again, the properties are in in between those ofa metal and a nonmetal. Several of the aspects that areconsidered to it is in metalloids would be boron-- best in here--silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, tellurium,and occasionally you'll view astatine noted as one. It counts on which textbookthat you're spring in. So you have the right to see that several of theelements along this zigzag heat are considered to it is in metalloids. And there's no official, onedefinition for which aspects are considered to bemetalloids, and so you can see a littlebit of a discrepancy over there for some ofthese elements. But in general,those are the ones that are thought about to bemetalloids, silicon probably being the most famed one. Silicon is a semiconductor. It's a metalloid, soit's favor a metal, so it does conductelectricity, yet not to the exact same extentthat a metal would. And so theseintermediate nature are periodically useful. Let's walk ahead and marksome the the rest of these. These would besome various other metals. And also then end hereon the best would be the rest of yournonmetals here. Carbon is nonmetal,nitrogen is nonmetal, oxygen is nonmetal,phosphorus, sulfur.

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So that's just a quick means todivide the periodic table up with some an easy definitions. In the next video,we'll talk much more about the electronicstructure, and also we'll get into definitionof transition metals.