An Earthquake constantly occurs wherein there is a construct up that friction along a fault.

You are watching: Scientists use tiltmeters to locate hidden faults.


Which of the complying with monitors both vertical and also horizontal movements along a fault?

GPS satellite system

Scientists use tiltmeters come locate surprise faults.


A machine that provides wire stretched across a fault to measure up horizontal movement of the floor is dubbed a

creep meter

Geologists use a creep meter to measure the horizontal movement along a fault.


With the variety of data available, geologists can not predict precisely where and also when earthquakes will occur.


Laser-ranging devices can detect even tiny activities of the crust along a(n) ______.


What does a seismograph record?

the floor movements caused by seismic waves

Geologists use a(n) _____ to measure the tilting that the ground follow me a fault.

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The pen ~ above a seismograph ferris wheel freely.


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