
"Well, James, have you ever before in your life viewed such a marvellous colossal Centipede together me?"

""Well, James, have actually you ever in your life seen such a marvellous colossal Centipede together me?""James and the large Peach

The Centipede in James and the large Peach is a pest. However he is an extremely proud of being a pest. He has 42 legs and wears a lot of shoes, which he asks James to assist him remove at the finish of that first day inside the Peach. He"s additionally a jolly fellow who enjoys a joke, a tune - and a little bit the teasing of poor old Earthworm...

You are watching: James and the giant peach centipede

In 1996 an man film version of Roald Dahl"s initial story was released, withRichard Dreyfuss voicing the Centipede.


James and the huge Peach




James and also the giant Peach action Print

Limited edition Print, 85.00


James and the gigantic Peach

Paperback, 4.89


© The Roald Dahl Story Company restricted / Quentin Blake 2018. Roald Dahl is a registered trademark of The Roald Dahl Story company Limited.


The Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre. Registered Charity No. 1085853. Company minimal by guarantee number 4178505.

See more: Lyrics: O Sa Na Tum Jaano Na Hum Lyrics, Lyrics: Na Tum Jaano Na Hum


Roald Dahl"s Marvellous Children"s Charity. Registered Charity No. 1137409. Company limited by insurance number 7340518.