››Convert cubic centimetre come liter

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cm cubed

You are watching: How many cm cubed in a liter

››More info from the unit converter

How numerous cm cubed in 1 liter?The price is 1000.We i think you space converting in between cubic centimetre and liter.You deserve to view much more details on each measurement unit:cm cubed orliterThe SI acquired unit for volume is the cubic meter.1 cubic meter is equal to 1000000 cm cubed, or 1000 liter.Note that round off errors might occur, so constantly check the results.Use this page to learn just how to convert between cubic centimeters and also liters.Type in your very own numbers in the type to transform the units!

››Quick conversion graph of centimeter cubed come liter

1 centimeter cubed come liter = 0.001 liter

10 centimeter cubed come liter = 0.01 liter

50 centimeter cubed come liter = 0.05 liter

100 centimeter cubed come liter = 0.1 liter

200 cm cubed to liter = 0.2 liter

500 centimeter cubed come liter = 0.5 liter

1000 centimeter cubed to liter = 1 liter

››Want various other units?

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››Common volume conversions

cm cubed to peckcm cubed to barrelcm cubed come measurecm cubed come cubic milecm cubed come cubic picometercm cubed to decilitrecm cubed to cupcm cubed to microlitrecm cubed to galloncm cubed come acre inch

››Definition: Cubic centimeter

A cubic centimetre (cm3) is equal to the volume that a cube with side length of 1 centimetre. It to be the base unit that volume of the CGS device of units, and is a legit SI unit. That is equal to a millilitre (ml).The colloquial abbreviations cc and ccm room not SI yet are typical in some contexts. That is a verbal shorthand because that "cubic centimetre". For instance "cc" is generally used for denoting displacement the car and also motorbike engines "the Mini Cooper had a 1275 cc engine". In medication "cc" is additionally common, for instance "100 cc of blood loss".

››Definition: Litre

The litre (spelled liter in American English and also German) is a metric unit the volume. The litre is no an SI unit, but (along v units such as hours and days) is detailed as among the "units external the SI the are accepted for use through the SI." The SI unit the volume is the cubic metre (m³).

››Metric conversions and also more

invernessgangshow.net offers an onlineconversion calculator for all varieties of measure up units.You can uncover metric switch tables for SI units, as wellas English units, currency, and also other data. Kind in unitsymbols, abbreviations, or complete names for units of length,area, mass, pressure, and other types. Examples incorporate mm,inch, 100 kg, US liquid ounce, 6"3", 10 rock 4, cubic cm,metres squared, grams, moles, feet every second, and also many more!

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