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You are watching: How many calories in 2 fried eggs

100g that fried eggs have around 196 calories (kcal). Calories per: ounce | one fried egg

In particular, medium dimension fried egg (55 g) has around 108 calories.

It is about 5% of daily calories intake for adult person with medium weight and medium task (for calculation us assumed 2400 kcal day-to-day intake).

Add Fried egg come kcal calculator

To visualize exactly how much the actualy is, take in mind that calories amount from medium size fried egg is comparable to calorie amount from ie.:

2 apples1 glass that Coca Cola (220 ml glass)1 part of cheese1 slice of bread0.5 glass of milk5.5 cubes of sugar

because that burning together amount of calories you must bike at least 15 minutes, swim for around 13 minute or run for 11 minutes.

Egg white (52) more...Egg (143) more...Jumbo egg (143) more...Scrambled egg (149) more...Omelette (149) more...Boiled egg (hard or soft) (155) more...Fried egg (196) more...Egg yolk (322) more...

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per 100 gper ounce
Calories196 ~ 55.6
Carbs Total0.83 g~ 0.2 g
Fat14.84 g~ 4.2 g
Protein13.61 g~ 3.9 g
Water69.47 g~ 19.7 g

How many calories in 1, 2, 3 or 5 fried eggs?

As i wrote before medium size fried egg (55 g) have 108 calories. The is simple to count that two fried eggs have around 216 calories and three fried egg have about 324 calories. In table below you can also see calorie amount because that four and five fried eggs.

Medium dimension fried egg (55 g)108 kcalOunce (oz) of fried eggs56 kcalHalf of medium size fried egg54 kcalSmall dimension fried egg (44g)86.4 kcalBig size fried egg (72g)140.4 kcalTwo tool size fried eggs216 kcalThree medium size fried eggs324 kcalFour tool size fried eggs432 kcalFive tool size fried eggs540 kcal

Protein in fried egg

Fried eggs have 13.61 g protein per 100g. When you multiplay this value through weight of tool size fried egg (55 g) you deserve to see that you will certainly get about 7.5 g of protein.

Carbs in fried eggs

Fried eggs have 0.83 g carbohydrates per 100g. In the same method as for protein we deserve to calculate that tool size fried egg (55 g) has around 0.5 g of carbs.

Fat in fried eggs

Fried eggs have 14.84 g fat every 100g. So it is easy to counting that tool size fried egg (55 g) has around 8.2 g that fat.