Do you occasionally feel that when human being ask friend ‘how room you’, they space doing it the end of typical courtesy? Sometimes, us feel that civilization don’t really desire to know. However, as soon as we are checking on close friends and also family, or once we yes, really care around the person, we do want to know. In those cases, we ask things differently. So, if girlfriend are learning Spanish, girlfriend will desire to learn just how to say how are you emotion in Spanish.

You are watching: How are you feeling today in spanish

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How space You feeling in Spanish in ~ Glance



¿Cómo car sientes?

How are you feeling?

¿Cómo dare encuentras?

How are you feeling?

¿Cómo estás?

How are you?

¿Te sientes mejor/peor?

Are you emotion better/worse?

All the ways to Say exactly how Are You emotion in Spanish


¿Cómo te sientes?

The perfect go-to to check on the actual feelings of who is to ask them ¿Cómo car sientes? it literally converts to “How room you feeling?”, and also you can use it to ask about a person’s health or emotions. In any type of case, lock will understand that you really desire to know how they’re doing and that you’re not simply asking it as a formality.

¿Cómo dare encuentras?

To asking someone how are you feeling in Spanish in a much more formal way, you deserve to say ¿Cómo te encuentras? possibly your father-in-law went with a hard time or your boss just had a baby. This expression is a cue for them to be honest with your answer.

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¿Cómo estás?

Even if you room just beginning to learn Spanish, girlfriend probably currently know Cómo estás. Normally, we usage it in the same way as “How room you?”: together a greeting much more than an yes, really question. However, simply as in English, you can use your body language and tone come ask ¿Cómo estás? in a means that will convey you really desire to know how they are and they’ll recognize that you room asking around their feelings.

Read next: just how to Respond come ¿Cómo estás? – 19 Replies used by Locals

¿Te sientes mejor/peor?

If it’s been a few days and also you understand your friend has been going through something, you could want to check in on castle you deserve to ask ¿Te sientes mejor/peor? :

How come Answer ‘How space You Feeling’ in Spanish

If who is questioning you exactly how you’re feeling in Spanish, you have the right to answer them honestly, if friend like. Girlfriend don’t have to offer the exact same candid, “Good, and also you?” response. Here are some means you deserve to respond.


Now that you know just how to questioning someone how they room really feeling in Spanish, friend can inspect in the people you treatment about. They will probably appreciate an moral conversation. However, we will leave you v a warning. Don’t go asking ¿Cómo car sientes? to everyone you see in the street since they might take you up on that and give you an moral answer about their feelings the you might not desire to hear!

Keep learning around how come ask people about their state and also how they’re doing