Home/ English/Mathematics/A bag consists of 8 white marbles, 6 red marbles and 4 blue marbles. How countless blue marbles must be added to the bag so that the probability of

A bag includes 8 white marbles, 6 red marbles and 4 blue marbles. How many blue marbles need to be included to the bag so the the probability of

A bag includes 8 white marbles, 6 red marbles and 4 blue marbles. How many blue marbles should be added to the bag so that the probability of selecting a blue marble is 1/2?



The yes, really answer would certainly be 10 marbles.

You are watching: A bag contains 6 red marbles 6 white marbles and 4 blue marbles

Step-by-step explanation:

1. we had started turn off by adding 8+4+6 to get the total variety of marbles. If we carry out that, we will gain that there are 18 marbles in total.

2. here is where the rather went wrong. If us say the we need 5 blue marbles to get 9/18 blue marbles, you space wrong. This is because we have to include 5 come the total number of marbles together well. Then we get 9/23 marbles. I m sorry is clearly not 1/2,

3. However, if we multiply 5 through 2, we obtain 10 blue marbles. If we add 10 to the initial 18, we gain 28 full marbles. Now if we include 10 to 4 we obtain 14 blue marbles.


14/28 blue marbles is 1/2, as such we must include 10 blue marbles.



5 marbles

Step-by-step explanation:

A bag contains

8 white marbles

6 red marbles

4 blue marbles.

Total variety of marbles is :

8 + 6 + 4

= 18 marbles

Based top top this existing proportion

The Probability of choosing a blue marble = variety of blue marbles/ Total variety of marbles

In order because that the Probability of choosing a blue marble to it is in 1/2

The variety of blue marbles has to be:

= 18 marbles × 1/2

= 9 blue marbles

From the question we have actually 4 blue marbles, hence:

9 blue marbles – 4 blue marbles

= 5 blue marbles

Therefore, 5 blue marbles should be added to the bag so the the probability of picking a blue marble is 1/2.

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