You are watching: How are you doing today in french
Instead, her friend just answers “good, and you?”.
What go you carry out wrong?
Not much.
In fact, the just mistake friend made was to use the wrong “how are you”.
In French, there are at the very least 15 ways come say “how space you”. Use the best “how are you” and French human being will open up up to you and gladly tell you around their day, thoughts and feelings. Use the wrong form and they’ll tell friend “bien merci” if you’re left wonder what to say next.
Discover 10 means to say how are friend in French and also other beneficial greetings!
Table the Contents
Comment allez-vous: The classic “how space you”
Comment vas-tu: The awkward “how space you”
Comment ça va: The friendly “how are you”
Ça va: The quick “how are you”
Sa va: The French slang “how are you”
Comment vous sentez-vous: The deep “how space you”
The concerned “how room you”
The casual “how are you”
Quoi de beau: The confident “how room you”
The tranquil “how room you”
just how to prize “how room you?” in French
end to girlfriend
Comment allez-vous: The timeless “how are you”
“Comment allez-vous “ is the most usual “how room you”. You have the right to safely usage it with anyone in any kind of situation.
I say safely, since you won’t offend anyone by making use of it. However, it’s not the best “how are you” to use in unshened situations.
It litterally method “how go you”. In French, we don’t use the verb “to be” in “how are you” and alwayse usage “to go” instead.
That’s similar to the means “how is the going” is built except that “comment allez-vous” is method more formal.
Comment vas-tu: The awkward “how space you”
“Comment vas-tu” is the “informal” variation of “comment allez-vous” as suggested by the usage of “tu”, the not blocked French “you”.
However, it likewise uses the inversion method of asking questions which is thought about formal.
The end an outcome is a “how space you” stuck in between formal and also informal French.
I personally never use it, since I choose “comment allez-vous” in official situations and “ça va ?” in not blocked situations, and feel the “comment vas-tu” no belong anywhere and also ends up being either as well informal or too formal.
However, some world like to use it as soon as they compose to people they recognize well, yet still desire to sound serious. “Comment vas-tu” would fit nicely in a romantic letter for example.
Comment ça va: The familiar “how are you”
“Comment ça va” literally means “how is it going” or “how it goes”.
You have the right to use it with friends, family members members and also people you recognize well. Basically, with anyone you’re on a “tu” basis with.
Ça va: The brief “how room you”

French civilization love deleting words and also letters as soon as they speak.
You have the right to use ça va ? the same means you’d use “comment ça va ?”.
You simply need come know that “ça va” is often thought about less significant than “comment ça va” and also other French “how are you” beginning with “comment”, so world are less likely to give you a deep answer.
In fact, the most common answer come “ça va ?” is…”ça va” (literally: the goes), meaning everything is walk well.
“ça va” is similar to the English “how room you” greeting. You use it an ext to to speak “hello” than ask a person exactly how she is doing.
You can also start with “ça va” as a greeting and later asking “comment tu vas ?” to suggest that you now expect a more detailed answer. This is usual if you accomplish someone in a public room or in a group and want to wait to be in a an ext intimate setup to talk.
If you choose to be positive, girlfriend can likewise say “ça va bien ?” (is that going well?), yet again, don’t expect a deep answer.
Sa va: The French slang “how are you”
“Sa va” is the slang “how are you”. It’s used the same method as “ça va ?” and also the only difference is that it’s created wrong because “sa” normally means “her” and also has nothing to execute with “ça” (even despite both are pronounce the very same way).
Using it doesn’t make lot sense due to the fact that it’s no even much shorter than “ça va”, so ns recommend you not to use it in ~ all unless you want to annoy your French teacher.
It’s essential to understand it exist though, because lots the young French human being use the on Facebook.
The most usual answer is “sa va”.
Comment vous sentez-vous: The deep “how room you”

“Comment vous sentez-vous” literally way “how perform you feel?”.
You use it as soon as you understand someone to be sick or had a problem and also want to understand if they’re currently doing better.
A feasible answer would certainly be “ça va mieux” (I’m emotion better) or “pas terrible” (not great).
The concerned “how space you”
You deserve to use “comment tu dare sens” to ask a friend who was emotion sick or maybe a little depressed if he’s currently feeling better.
This is merely the informal version of “comment vous sentez-vous ?”.
Like all other French “how are you” beginning with “comment”, it usually needs a deep answer and also not a an easy “ça va”.
The casual “how room you”
“Quoi de neuf” is the French “what’s up” and also literally way “what’s new?”.
You can use it through friends friend haven’t talked to in a if or v anyone you on a “tu” basis with.
When friend ask “quoi de neuf”, suppose a detailed answer of what the person has been approximately lately.
Quoi de beau: The positive “how room you”
“Quoi de beau” literally way “what’s beautiful?”. That a positve and casual way the asking how a person is doing.
Most world will prize by telling you about the nice things happening in their life, but you may additionally hear “pas cool chose” (not much) if the human feels the there is nothing quite happening in her life.
The tranquil “how room you”
Literally “it’s rolling”, “ça roule” is a colloquial method to questioning if whatever is walking smoothly.
You have the right to use the French expression “comme sur des roulettes” (literally: favor on wheels) as a positive answer.
How come answer “how space you?” in French
French world generally expect response when lock ask “comment allez-vous ?” or “comment tu vas ?”, but the answer doesn’t need to be long.
In fact, it’s usual to merely say “ça va” (it’s going well) whether you in reality feel an excellent or not.
Like in English, you typically keep much more detailed answer for her friends and also people you know well.
Here room a couple of formal answers:
The critical three answers sound formal, however you’re in reality unlikely to usage them in a formal context, due to the fact that they sound an adverse and many world consider the your answer come “how are you” should constantly be positive in a formal context.
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And a couple of informal answers:
After comment “how are you”, it’s polite to ask the person how she is doing.
In this case, you can say:
Over come you
Have you ever before asked “how space you?” in France? how did that go? Share your story in the comment section below!