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A sparkline is a small chart in a worksheet cell that offers a visual depiction of data. Usage sparklines to present trends in a collection of values, such together seasonal rises or decreases, economic cycles, or to to mark maximum and also minimum values. Position a sparkline near its data for greatest impact.

You are watching: Excel includes four types of sparkline charts: line, column, win/loss, and stock.


Add a Sparkline

Select a blank cell at the end of a row of data.

Select Insert and pick Sparkline type, favor Line, or Column.

Select cells in the row and also OK in menu.

More rows the data? Drag manage to include a Sparkline for each row.

Format a Sparkline chart

Select the Sparkline chart.

Select Sparkline and then select an option.

Select Line, Column, or Win/Loss to readjust the graph type.

Check Markers to to mark individual values in the Sparkline chart.

Select a Style for the Sparkline.

Select Sparkline shade and the color.

Select Sparkline color > Weight to select the width of the Sparkline.

Select Marker color to change the shade of the markers.

If the data has actually positive and negative values, select Axis to show the axis.

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You can always ask an expert in the Excel technology Community or acquire invernessgangshow.net in the answers community.

See Also

Analyze patterns in data using Sparklines

gain invernessgangshow.net chart templates


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