The procedure of malfunction of rocks with the action of rainwater, far-reaching temperature variations, and also environmental alters are known as Weathering. Weathering have the right to take location for assorted reasons. 2 of these factors are mechanically Weathering and Chemical Weathering. The difference in between these two is quite basic yet fairly vast. 

Mechanical Weathering vs chemical Weathering 

The difference between Mechanical Weathering and also Chemical Weathering is the Mechanical Weathering takes place without an altering the rock’s chemical composition. ~ above the various other hand, chemistry Weathering takes location by an altering the chemistry composition that the rocks altogether. The agents that reason these changes of the rocks’ break down are different from every other, and so space the geographical areas of mechanically Weathering and Chemical Weathering weathering processes. 


Mechanical weathering is the mechanism whereby the crackup the rocks occurs without changing the rock’s chemistry composition. The many common type of mechanical weathering happens through freeze-thawing weathering.

You are watching: Difference between mechanical and chemical weathering

It affects the coastlines the most when rocks are porous. Water renders its method into the rocks, and the porosity of this rocks freezes the water inside. The ice renders the rock expand and cracks.The method through i m sorry the crackup the rocks wake up due to transforming their chemical composition is chemistry weathering. Once rainwater will the rock, this procedure begins, and it gets decomposed, or the absent gets eaten away. This procedure is dubbed carbonation. This only happens once a little acidic or carbonic rain or water indigenous the sea gets into touch v sedimentary rock, for example, limestone or chalk, it makes it evaporate.

 A chemical reaction occurs in between the acidic water and also the calcium carbonate, which transforms it right into calcium bicarbonate. This renders it soluble and is taken away in solution. This type of weathering takes place in heated, wet conditions. 

Comparison Table between Mechanical Weathering and Chemical Weathering

Parameters that comparisonMechanical WeatheringChemical WeatheringDefinitionIn mechanical weathering, the chemistry composition does no change.In chemistry weathering, the chemical composition changes.Geographic LocationsIt takes place in hot and also dry conditions, together the temperature keeps on changing throughout the day.Chemical weathering takes location in regions that have a hot and also humid climate.AgentsThe main agents of mechanically weathering are running water, temperature, winds, and also moisture.The key agents of chemical weathering are hydration, carbonation, oxidization, and also solution.AffectThis form of weathering affects rocks deep to a very good extent.This form of weathering takes ar only ~ above the surface of the earth.ResultMechanical Weathering breaks rocks right into smaller parts without an altering the ingredient of the rocks.Chemical Weathering takes ar by breaking under rocks by creating new minerals at the optimal of the earth surface.

What is mechanically Weathering?

Mechanical weathering, likewise known as physical weathering and disaggregation, makes rock malfunction into smaller pieces. The key reason why mechanical weathering occurs in rocks is water, which may be in liquid or heavy form.To elaborate further, liquid water can trickle into cracks that the rocks and also makes its way in. Later, if the area’s temperature walk down, the water in the rocks it s okay frozen, which makes the absent expand and crack. The ice then plays the function of a catalyst. It slowly stretches increase the crack of the stones and divides the rock. As soon as ice thaws, fluid water completes the process of weathering by relocating away the tiny tiny stone scraps shed in the fissure. This particular procedure (the freeze-thaw cycle) is known as cold weathering. 

Temperature alters can also add to mechanically weathering in a manner recognized as thermal stress: variations in heat reason rock to increase (with heat) and contract (with cold). The development of the rock crumbles ~ a specific amount of time. After a particular amount the time passes, the rocks begin to crumble into smaller pieces.

What is chemistry Weathering?

Chemical Weathering is the principle v which the breakdown of rocks happens since of chemical reactions transpiring about the minerals present in stones and the atmosphere. The key agents of chemical weathering room water.A lot of of man-made compounds are found in water. Water has countless weak acids, such together carbonic acid, i m sorry leak right into the rocks to begin the breaking under process.This delicate acid is sufficient to be created when carbon dioxide gas from the setting mixes through rainwater. Sulfur dioxide and also nitrogen gases type other varieties of acid rain that perform as chemical weathering catalysts.

See more: Nitric Acid And Ammonia Net Ionic Equation, Neutralization Reactions

Few beginnings of sulfur dioxide are power plants the incinerate coal, and also some additionally originate indigenous volcanoes and seaside marshes. These sulfur gases eventually come in call with oxygen and rainwater to produce sulfuric acid.The acid has plentifulness and long duration effects that produce quite a little bit of destruction to vegetation and rocks, also though that is very weak. Oxidation is an unconventional type of chemical weathering the occurs when oxygen combines with an additional substance and creates compounds called oxides.

Main Differences in between Mechanical Weathering and Chemical Weathering

Mechanical Weathering does not adjust the chemistry composition that the rocks and stones, if on the other hand, chemistry Weathering will change the entire chemical ingredient of the rocks. Mechanical Weathering takes location in hot and dry climates. In contrast, chemical Weathering takes ar in hot and also humid conditions.The main agents of mechanically weathering space water, temperature, moisture, etc. The main agents of chemistry weathering space oxidation, solution, carbonation and hydration. Mechanical Weathering affect the rock to great depths. ~ above the various other hand, the effects of chemical weathering are just on the surface of the earth. Mechanical Weathering will certainly break the rocks down into smaller pieces, and also on the various other hand, chemical Weathering wake up by forming brand-new minerals top top the top of the surface. 


Mechanical Weathering and also Chemical Weathering room both mind-blowing ways through i m sorry the planet decompresses and erodes the surface. Mother nature exceptionally shows us just how she deserve to dissolve, break down rocks, and form new minerals the end of them. This magical process of weathering climate is later adhered to by erosion i m sorry takes far these minerals and rocks to a different place, affecting nature and also everyone in turn. The differences in between these two varieties of weathering or erosions space straightforward to look the end for if the main agents are kept in mind. 
