Cavy Savvy is a guinea pig blog composed from the view of 3 guinea pigs: Lola, Buffy and also Broccoli. We review guinea pig products, pet food, toys, bedding, cages and much more to provide humans through all they have to know about guinea pigs!

You are watching: Can guinea pigs eat dried cranberries

Today, we"re going to review cranberries. I understand cranberries room Thanksgiving food, so perhaps this write-up is a little early. From our perspective, though, it"s never ever too beforehand to shot a brand-new food! Or too late, for the matter. When we witnessed these little round red things, us were expecting something nice and also sweet; everyone knows ourtheory around red foods. But instead of other sweet, we tasted an explode of intense flavor as soon as we bit right into these things!
Red food! Me first!
Whoah! That"s intense! It"s practically too intense... But not quite.
Lola just ate part cranberries, and now she"s utilizing hay as a palate cleanser.
Typically, as soon as we obtain a food us like, we simply eat it consistently until it"s gone. It"s very rare for united state to prevent for a hay break in the center of trying a new food, yet most foods aren"t as intense as cranberries are.Cranberries deserve to be fed to united state 2-4 times per week. As with with humans, they deserve to also aid with urinary street infections. They can additionally make your little piggy mouth feel choose it"s unable to do to part bittersweet dimension. They do you want to scream, yet you"re still having fun; it"s probably similar to what you human beings feel once you journey roller coasters. We"ll provide cranberries 4/5 stars.
Posted byLola, Buffy, and also Broccoliat4:07 PM


Wierd...Where execute you obtain cranberries?I simply tried to feed mine craisins and i think he liked it??


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