I think all wild "ungalates"(2 toed animals) are dubbed "venison". I could be wrong though.(Deer/Elk/Caribou/etc.)




Venison refers to the meat indigenous a hunted big game species, originally the european Red Deer and related species. Together the elk is most closely related to the red deer, ns think venison is the ideal word because that elk meat. The etymology of venison, is that comes from the Latin for hunting, venor, i m sorry is connects to venerate, venerial, and also venus, definition love, due to the fact that of the principle of follow something desireable.

Sounds prefer it"s dubbed venison, I have actually never heard anything other than "elk meat". Many thanks for the invernessgangshow.net. I enjoy elk meat much an ext than deer, well at least mule deer.

You are watching: Why is deer meat called venison

If you take French derivitives the end of English, you"re left v pig meat (pork), cow meat (beef), lamb meat (mutton), chicken (poultry), etc. If you prefer your English straight up, moose meat, elk meat, and deer meat is more specific.
Anything in the deer family is called venison. All wild is an extremely good. I perform not have an individual experience however but some world say the mountanin lion is prefer deer but better. It would be precious a try

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Dan commentated top top the 100,000 guy convoy coming to our border. These space not women and also children, they room young military age bucks. Do we roll over...