Is there a difference in between "convenient because that you" and also "convenient come you"? and if the is, might you describe it?



As well as the most common sense that convenient (i.e. Suiting you, not leading to you time or trouble), over there is the associated sense the close, near-by, as in "We stopped at a practically gas-station" or "He picked up a convenient rock". When the phrase convenient for you is much the an ext common that the two, it might be that convenient come you is much more likely come be used with this 2nd sense.

Here are some examples from a quick search:

Call the office many convenient to you. Pick a venue convenient to you.Kindly pick a branch practically to you. Visit our call page to discover a ar that is convenient to you. Discover a kitchen centre most convenient to you.

While prize 1 is the correct choice when the word "convenient" is related to location, using words to doesn"t use as absolutely as soon as the meeting"s time is under negotiation.

To illustrate:

It functions to to speak "convenient to you," when you"re saying that a location deserve to be got to with small effort, prefer "near to you" or "next to you." This ruling is reinforced by the impossibility of saying "near for you" or "next for you."

But if the matter of discussion is an task where time is the leading question it offers enhanced clarity to indicate that to someone the they join in in ~ a time that is an ext "convenient for you," also though to is technically OK.

You are watching: Whichever is more convenient for you


I"ve excellent some research study on this one, too, because both sound right, yet according to an teacher, that is additionally a Youtuber, you use "to you" in reference to a location, whereas "for you" is for the advantage as a result.

Talking to you is saying something come you, while talk for you is talk on instead of of you.

You can actually search for the in Youtube. I hope this helps.


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