Presentation on theme: "Which the the adhering to is not a universalizing religion?"— Presentation transcript:



2 Which that the complying with is no a universalizing religion?Buddhism Christianity Judaism Islam Sikhism


3 Which of the complying with is not a universalizing religion?Buddhism Christianity Judaism Islam Sikhism Explanation: conversely, universalizing religions proactively seek converts, Judaism is an ethnic religion. Answer: C an obstacle Level: 2 message Reference: 6.1 U.S. Geography Standard: 10 Bloom"s Taxonomy: understanding Learning outcome 6.18: compare the diffusion the universalizing and ethnic religions.


4 Roman Catholicism predominates in i m sorry of the following areas?Northern Europe east Asia Canada southern America Australia


5 Roman Catholicism predominates in i m sorry of the following areas?Northern Europe east Asia Canada south America Australia Explanation: southern America’s emigration by Spain and also Portugal carried Roman Catholicism to the continent. Answer: D an obstacle Level: 2 text Reference: 6.1 U.S. Location Standard: 9 & 10 Bloom"s Taxonomy: understanding Learning outcome 6.2: describe the distribution of Christianity.


6 figure 6-3 people DISTRIBUTION OF faiths The pie charts show the re-publishing of major religions in each people region.


7 Which of the complying with is not one of the five pillars that Islam?Accept Allah together the one God Donate come charities Fast throughout the month that Ramadan do a trip to Jerusalem Pray five times everyday


8 Which that the adhering to is not among the 5 pillars that Islam?Accept Allah together the one God Donate come charities Fast throughout the month of Ramadan make a trip to Jerusalem Pray five times daily Explanation: Pilgrimages room to it is in made to Makkah, no Jerusalem. Answer: D difficulty Level: 2 message Reference: 6.2 U.S. Geography Standard: 10 Bloom"s Taxonomy: understanding Learning result 6.13: describe the origin of Islam.


9 In which an ar is the largest number of adherents come ethnic religious beliefs found?Africa eastern Asia east Europe south America phibìc America


10 In which region is the largest number of adherents to ethnic faiths found?Africa east Asia eastern Europe southern America north America Explanation: several hundred million civilization in east Asia practice Confucianism, Daoism, and Shintoism. Answer: B an obstacle Level: 2 message Reference: 6.1 U.S. Geography Standard: 10 Bloom"s Taxonomy: knowledge Learning outcome 6.10: explain the distribution of the largest ethnic religions.


11 Christianity at first spread indigenous Palestine by ___________ diffusion.contagious development hierarchical relocation economic stimulation


12 Christianity initially spread native Palestine by ___________ diffusion.contagious expansion hierarchical relocation economic stimulation Explanation: Christianity initially diffused through the efforts of missionaries. Answer: D challenge Level: 3 message Reference: 6.2 U.S. Geography Standard: 9 & 10 Bloom"s Taxonomy: expertise Learning outcome 6.16: describe the diffusion of Christianity.


13 Complete the adhering to analogy: Lumbini is to Buddhists asBeijing is to Confucianism. Bethlehem is come Jews. Delhi is come Sikhs. Makkah is come Muslims. Tokyo is come Shintoism.


14 Complete the following analogy: Lumbini is to Buddhists asBeijing is come Confucianism. Bethlehem is come Jews. Delhi is come Sikhs. Makkah is come Muslims. Tokyo is come Shintoism. Explanation: amongst universalizing religions, Buddhism and also Islam have actually the largest variety of holy places. Answer: D an obstacle Level: 4 message Reference: 6.3 U.S. Geography Standard: 10 Bloom"s Taxonomy: understanding Learning outcome 6.21: explain why areas are sacred in Islam.


15 Complete the following analogy: Christianity is to church asIslam is to mosque. Judaism is come synagogue. Buddhism is to temple. Baha’i is to home of Worship. All of the over are correct.


16 Complete the adhering to analogy: Christianity is to church asIslam is to mosque. Judaism is to synagogue. Buddhism is come temple. Baha’i is to house of Worship. All of the over are correct. Answer: E an obstacle Level: 3 text Reference: 6.3 U.S. Geography Standard: 10 Bloom"s Taxonomy: understanding Learning result 6.23: define ways in which the landscape is provided in religiously significant ways. Explanation: spiritual buildings are crucial parts that the cultural landscape. Christians alone think about their buildings to be sacred.


17 As a result of the 1967 war, Israel captured which strategically essential territory?The seaside plain close to Tel Aviv The east financial institution of the Jordan river valley The hills paralleling the coast and also Jordan flow The desert sanctuaries of Saudi Arabia nobody of the over is correct.


18 As a an outcome of the 1967 war, Israel caught which strategically essential territory?The seaside plain near Tel Aviv The east bank of the Jordan flow valley The hills paralleling the coast and Jordan river The desert oases of Saudi Arabia no one of the over is correct. Explanation: The land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan river is divided into 3 regions: coastal plain, highlands, and also river valley. Answer: C an obstacle Level: 3 text Reference: 6.3 U.S. Geography Standard: 9, 10 & 13 Bloom"s Taxonomy: expertise Learning outcome 6.28: Analyze factors for spiritual conflict in the middle East.


19 figure 6-49 BOUNDARY transforms IN IS RAEL/PALES TINE (left) The 1947 UN partition plan, (center) Israel ~ the 1948–1949 war, (right) Israel and its neighbors since the 1967 Six-Day War.


20 The caste device in Indiaplaces Shudras in ~ the optimal of the hierarchy. Was created by the Aryan intruders of India. Walk not influence how separation, personal, instance Hindus practice the religion. Is applied by official federal government policies. Look at the “untouchables” together closest come enlightenment.


21 The caste system in Indiaplaces Shudras in ~ the height of the hierarchy. Was produced by the Aryan intruders of India. Walk not impact how separation, personal, instance Hindus exercise the religion. Is enforced by official government policies. Sees the “untouchables” as closest to enlightenment. Explanation: The caste system has relaxed over the past several decades in the confront of modernization. Prize B challenge Level: 3 text Reference: 6.3 U.S. Geography Standard: 9 & 10 Bloom"s Taxonomy: expertise Learning outcome 6.4: explain the circulation of Hinduism


22 Which three religions have holy places in Jerusalem?Islam, Judaism, Sikhism Christianity, Hinduism, Islam Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism Christianity, Islam, Judaism Christianity, Jainism, Judaism


23 Which 3 religions have holy locations in Jerusalem?Islam, Judaism, Sikhism Christianity, Hinduism, Islam Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism Christianity, Islam, Judaism Christianity, Jainism, Judaism Explanation: These three monotheistic religious beliefs each lay insurance claim to divine places in Jerusalem. Answer: D an obstacle Level: 3 text Reference: 6.4 U.S. Location Standard: 9, 10, & 13 Bloom"s Taxonomy: understanding Learning result 6.28: Analyze factors for spiritual conflict in the center East.


24 number 6-53 OLD CITY that JERUS ALEM The Old City the Jerusalem is less than 1 square kilometer (0.4 square miles). The is split into 4 quarters.


25 Which U.S. State has the highest percentage that Lutherans?Arkansas Michigan Indiana Kansas north Dakota


26 Which U.S. State has the highest possible percentage that Lutherans?Arkansas Michigan Indiana Kansas north Dakota Explanation: The Dakotas and also Minnesota have the highest concentration that Lutherans in the unified States. Answer: E challenge Level: 4 message Reference: 6.1 U.S. Geography Standard: 4 & 10 Bloom"s Taxonomy: analysis Learning result 6.6: explain the circulation of the protestant branch that Christianity.


27 number 6-7 distribution OF believer IN THE united STATES The shaded areas are U.S. Counties in which an ext than 50 percent the church membership is focused in either roman Catholicism or one protestant denomination. The distinctive distribution of spiritual groups within the unified States outcomes from trends of migration, especially from Europe in the nineteenth century and also from Latin America in recent years.


28 What branch of Protestantism has actually the many adherents in the united States?Methodist Lutheran Pentecostal Baptist Presbyterian


29 What branch of Protestantism has the most adherents in the unified States?Methodist Lutheran Pentecostal Baptist Presbyterian answer D an obstacle Level: 2 message Reference: 6.1 U.S. Location Standard: 4 & 10 Bloom"s Taxonomy: understanding Learning result 6.6: describe the circulation of the protestant branch that Christianity. Explanation: The Baptist Church has an ext adherents than any type of other Protestant religious beliefs in the united States.


30 figure 6-6 portion OF FAITHS IN THE unified STATES Approximately 6 percent of the U.S.

You are watching: Which of the following is not a universalizing religion

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Populace adhere come a religion other than Christianity, and 15 percent adhere to no religion.
