Iron is nota compound.

You are watching: Which of the following is not a compound?

Iron is one element, and also not a mixture or systems compound or heterogeneous.An element is created by atom with specifically the very same properties, that is, it consists of specifically the exact same atoms as an element.A link consists of 2 or more different elementsand has actually different qualities from the constituent elements.A equipment consists the a liquid liquified in it.

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Q5. The correct statement concerning the substitution of combination ligands in Ni(CO)4 and also Co(NO)(CO)3 is:(Given: Co-N-O bond is almost linear; atomic numbers of Co and Ni space 27 and 28, respectively)
Q8. The yellow color of an aqueous systems of K2CrO4changes to red-orange top top the enhancement of a few drops that HCl. The red-orange complex, the oxidation state of its central element(s), and the origin of that color, respectively, are:
Q10. The reaction that NiBr2 v two equivalents that PPh3 in CS2 in ~ –78 °C offers a red-coloured diamagnetic complex, . This transforms to a green-coloured paramagnetic complicated with the very same molecular formula in ~ 25 °C. The geometry and the variety of unpaired electrons in the green-coloured complex, respectively, are:
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Q2. Which of the complying with pair is correct?I. Prokaryotes Cell - One chromosomeII. Eukaryotic bio Cells - an ext than one chromosome
Q5. Which that the following pair is correct?I. Isotopes -different massive numberII. Isobars -same mass number
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