Characteristics of animals


You are watching: Which of the following characteristics do all animals share?

Animal Cells

Like the cell of every eukaryotes, pet cells have a nucleus and also other membrane-bound organelles (see Figure below). Uneven the cells of plants and fungi, animal cells lack a cell wall. This gives animal cells flexibility. It lets them take on different shapes therefore they have the right to become committed to do specific jobs. The human being nerve cell displayed in Figure listed below is a great example. Its shape suits its duty of transmitting nerve impulses over long distances. A nerve cell would certainly be can not to take this form if it were surrounding by a rigid cabinet wall.


Animal Cell. The shape of an pet cell is not constrained by a rigid cabinet wall. A bacterial cabinet is shown over for comparison.


Human Nerve Cell. A human nerve cabinet is devoted to transmit nerve impulses. Exactly how do friend think the cell’s form helps it perform this function?

Animal Structure and also Function

Animals not only have committed cells. Many animals additionally have tissues and organs. In numerous animals, organs type organ systems, such as a concerned system. Higher levels that organization permit animals to execute many complex functions. What can animals do that most other living things cannot? Most pets share this characteristics: sensory organs, movement, and internal digestion. Every one of them are depicted in Figure below.

All animals can move, in ~ least during some phase of their life cycle. Muscles and also nerves job-related together to enable movement. Gift able come move lets animals actively search because that food and mates. It likewise helps castle escape indigenous predators.


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