The many widely welcomed model for plasma membrane structure is the liquid mosaic model. According to this model, the plasma membrane is made up of a phospholipid bilayer which has actually proteins installed in it. These proteins can be extrinsic/external protein or intrinsic/internal proteins. 






A phospholipid molecule is amphipathic and produces two layers coming in call with H2O. The head of phospholipid molecule is
Integral proteins are installed in the phospholipid bilayer, and likewise called transmembrane proteins. Frequently times this integral proteins serve as networks through which molecule move across the cell membrane. Proteins embedded in the interior of the double layer of the membrane space .......... And also are consisted of of non-polar ..........

You are watching: Which of the following best describes the structure of the plasma membrane?

Match the columns and also find the correct option.
(p)Plasma membrane mainly contains(i)Hemicellulose
(q)Middle lamella is greatly composed of(ii)Calcium pectate
(iii)Proteinaceous filaments
(iv)Proteins embedded m phospholipid bilayer

In the offered structure the plasma membrane made up of 2 layers that phospholipid molecules, the water molecules will exist in the parts labelled as
A phospholipid molecule is amphipathic and also produces 2 layers coming in call with H2O. The head the phospholipid molecule is
Integral proteins are embedded in the phospholipid bilayer, and additionally called transmembrane proteins. Regularly times this integral proteins offer as channels through which molecules move across the cabinet membrane. Proteins installed in the internal of the double layer of the membrane room .......... And are consisted of of non-polar ..........
Match the columns and find the correct option.
(p)Plasma membrane largely contains(i)Hemicellulose
(q)Middle lamella is greatly composed of(ii)Calcium pectate
(iii)Proteinaceous filaments
(iv)Proteins embedded m phospholipid bilayer

In the given structure the plasma membrane made up of two layers of phospholipid molecules, the water molecules will exist in the parts labelled as
A phospholipid molecule is amphipathic and also produces two layers comes in contact with H2O. The head of phospholipid molecule is
Integral protein are installed in the phospholipid bilayer, and additionally called transmembrane proteins. Regularly times this integral proteins offer as networks through which molecules move across the cell membrane. Proteins installed in the internal of the bilayer of the membrane room .......... And also are consisted of of non-polar ..........

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Match the columns and also find the correct option.
(p)Plasma membrane mainly contains(i)Hemicellulose
(q)Middle lamella is mostly composed of(ii)Calcium pectate
(iii)Proteinaceous filaments
(iv)Proteins embedded m phospholipid bilayer