Water-saturated muds have actually low permeabilities yet can have higher porosities 보다 well-cemented sandstone.

You are watching: Which common, rock-forming mineral or mineral group is most readily dissolved by groundwater?


An artesian fine is one in which ________.

water rises over the optimal of the aquifer without any pumping

________ would have the biggest capacity to naturally remove sewer pollutants.

Slightly clayey sand

________ is the volume that voids or open an are in a rock or unconsolidated material.


Which among the following logically describes why parts of some cavern systems room aerated?

a nearby, downcutting stream lower the water table ~ the caves had actually formed

A perched water table develops when ________.

a horizontal aquitard over the local water table lies listed below an aquifer

The aerated zone ________.

lies above the water table

The term karst topography was very first used in ________.

the Republic the Slovenia, a district of the previous Yugoslavia

________ are attributes found in all good aquifers.

High porosity and high permeability

A ________ is the icicle-like speleothem the grows under from the roof the a cavern.


Which among the adhering to is not a speleothem?


For unconfined aquifers, what hydrologic variable is approximated by the steep of the water table?

hydraulic gradient

Permeability is the physical pressure that pushes water listed below the water table v a porous, rock material.


Which that the adhering to geologic materials would have the highest possible groundwater velocities and be least efficient in removing unwanted pollutants from the water?

limestone; countless solution channels and fractures widened by dissolution

Artesian groundwater problems can develop in an inclined aquifer v aquitards above and below.


Which the the following explains the configuration of an unconfined water table around a pump well?

cone that depression

An unconfined water table is the ________.

boundary in between the saturated zone above and partly saturated region below

________ account because that the largest usage of groundwater in the united States.

Agriculture and also irrigation

In locations underlain through unconsolidated or weakly consolidated strata, lowering that the water table can cause the land come subside.


Which one of the following worrying stalactites and stalagmites is not true?

stalagmites form on the floors of caves listed below the water table

In locations of karst topography, rare surface streams frequently flow right into sinkholes and also continue flow underground for part distance.

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________ controls the lull (or difficulty) of underground water transmission v a porous material.


Which common, rock-forming mineral or mineral team is most readily liquified by groundwater?


Which the the following can logically be concluded by speleothems/dripstone hanging native a cavern roof?

the cave roof was over the water table when the speleothems formed

The hot spring deposits at Mammoth warm Springs, Yellowstone nationwide Park, are travertine. What rock probably lies what beneath the warm springs?