A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents one algorithm, workflow or process, mirroring the actions as box of various kinds, and also their bespeak by connecting them v arrows. This diagrammatic representation illustrates a solution version to a provided problem. Flowcharts are used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or regime in various fields.

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Flow LineAn arrowhead coming native one symbol and also ending at another symbol represents that regulate passes come the symbol the arrow points to. The line for the arrow can be solid or dashed. The definition of the arrow with dashed line may differ indigenous one flowchart to another and can be identified in the legend.
TerminalRepresented as circles, ovals, stadiums or rounded (fillet) rectangles. They commonly contain words “Start” or “End”, or one more phrase signaling the start or end of a process, such together “submit inquiry” or “receive product”.
ProcessRepresented together rectangles. This form is provided to present that other is performed. Examples: “Add 1 come X”, “replace determined part”, “save changes”, etc….
DecisionRepresented as a diamond (rhombus) mirroring where a decision is necessary, frequently a Yes/No question or True/False test. The conditional price is peculiar in that it has actually two arrows coming the end of it, usually from the bottom suggest and best point, one corresponding to yes or True, and one corresponding to No or False. (The arrows should constantly be labeled.) much more than 2 arrows have the right to be used, but this is generally a clear indicator the a complex decision is gift taken, in which instance it may need to be broken-down further or replaced with the “predefined process” symbol. Decision have the right to also assist in the filtering that data.
Input/OutputRepresented together a parallelogram. Involves receiving data and also displaying processed data. Can only relocate from input to output and not evil versa. Examples: obtain X from the user; screen X.
AnnotationAnnotations represent comments or remarks around the flowchart. Choose comments found in high-level programming languages, they have no result on the translate or habits of the flowchart. Sometimes, the shape is composed of a box through dashed (or dotted) lines.
Predefined ProcessRepresented together rectangles v double-struck vertical edges; this are provided to show facility processing procedures which may be in-depth in a different flowchart. Example: PROCESS-FILES. One subroutine may have multiple distinctive entry points or leave flows (see coroutine). If so, these are displayed as labeled ‘wells’ in the rectangle, and also control arrows attach to these ‘wells’.
PreparationRepresented as a hexagon. May also be referred to as initialization. Shows operations which have actually no result other than preparing a worth for a subsequent conditional or decision step. Alternatively, this shape is provided to change the Decision form in the instance of conditional looping.
On-Page ConnectorGenerally stood for with a circle, reflecting where multiple regulate flows converge in a single exit flow. It will have more than one arrow coming into it, however only one walk out. In simple cases, one may simply have an arrow allude to one more arrow instead. These are beneficial to stand for an iterative procedure (what in computer Science is called a loop). A loop may, for example, covers a connector whereby control an initial enters, handling steps, a conditional with one arrowhead exiting the loop, and also one going earlier to the connector. For extr clarity, wherever two lines accidentally overcome in the drawing, one of them may be attracted with a tiny semicircle over the other, showing that no link is intended.
Off-Page ConnectorRepresented together a house plate-shaped pentagon. Similar to the on-page connector except allows for placing a connector that connects to an additional page.

Other Shapes

A common flowchart native older straightforward computer scientific research textbooks may have the adhering to kinds that symbols:

Labeled connectorsRepresented by one identifying label inside a circle. Labeled connectors are offered in complex or multi-sheet diagrams to substitute because that arrows. For each label, the “outflow” connector must always be unique, yet there might be any variety of “inflow” connectors. In this case, a junction in regulate flow is implied.Concurrency symbolRepresented by a dual transverse line v any variety of entry and exit arrows. These symbols are provided whenever two or an ext control flows should operate simultaneously. The leave flows are activated concurrently, when every one of the entry flows have reached the concurrency symbol. A concurrency symbol v a solitary entry circulation is a fork; one with a solitary exit circulation is a join.

Data-flow extensions

A number of symbols have actually been standardized for data flow diagrams to stand for data flow, quite than manage flow. These signs may additionally be used in control flowcharts (e.g. To substitute for the parallel symbol).

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A paper represented as a rectangle v a wavy base;A hand-operated input stood for by quadrilateral, with the height irregularly sloping increase from left come right. An example would it is in to signify data-entry native a form;A hands-on operation represented by a trapezoid through the longest parallel side at the top, to represent an procedure or convey to process that deserve to only be made manually.A Data paper represented by a cylinder.

