
In this engraving, Cecil Calvert presents his 1649 Act concerning Religion come the ancient Spartan lawgiver, Lycurgus, while libertarians throughout history, including Ben Franklin and William Penn, look at on.

You are watching: Which colony was established specifically as a safe haven for catholics?

New England was not the only destination sought through those fleeing spiritual persecution. In 1632, Cecelius Calvert, known as mr Baltimore, was granted possession of all land lying in between the grape max River and the Chesapeake Bay. Mr Baltimore observed this together an possibility to grant spiritual freedom to the Catholics who stayed in Anglican England. Although fully violence was an ext a component of the 1500s 보다 the 1600s, Catholics were still a persecuted minority in the seventeenth century. For example, Catholics to be not even permitted to be legally married by a Catholic priest. Baltimore thought that his new World possession might serve as a refuge. At the exact same time, he hoped to turn a financial benefit from the venture.

Maryland, named after England"s Catholic queen Henrietta Maria, was first settled in 1634. Unlike the religious experiments come the North, financial opportunity to be the attract for many Maryland colonists. Consequently, most immigrants did not cross the Atlantic in family members units but as individuals. The very first inhabitants to be a mixture of nation gentlemen (mostly Catholic) and also workers and artisans (mostly Protestant). This mixture would certainly surely death the Catholic experiment. Invariably, over there are more poor 보다 aristocrats in any kind of given society, and the Catholics soon discovered themselves in the minority.

The location of Maryland, favor that that her southern neighbor Virigina, was conducive to growing tobacco. The desire come make revenues from tobacco soon resulted in the need for low-cost labor. As a result, the number of indentured servants significantly expanded and also the social framework of Maryland reflected this change. But the flow in immigrant was not reflected in larger population growth because, confronted with regular battles with malaria and also typhoid, life expectations in Maryland was about 10 years less than in brand-new England.

Fearful the the good news masses can restrict Catholic liberties, the home of Delegates passed the Maryland plot of Toleration in 1649. This action granted religious freedom to all Christians. Like Roger Williams in Rhode Island and William penn in Pennsylvania, Maryland hence experimented with legislations protecting spiritual liberty. Unfortunately, Protestants swept the Catholics the end of the legislature within a decade, and religious strife ensued. Still, the action of Toleration is critical part of the colonial legacy of religious freedom that will culminate in the an initial Amendment in the American bill of Rights.


Historic Saint Mary"s CityVisit Maryland"s first capital: historical St. Mary"s City is an amazing mix of vivid living background and fascinating archaeology, all set in a beautiful assistant landscape. Mr Baltimore"s 17th century funding stands ready to be rediscovered. Exhibits in ~ the the end museum incorporate the square-rigged ship, the Maryland Dove, Godiah Spray"s good tobacco plantation, the rebuilded State house of 1676, a woodland Indian hamlet, and also much more. With miles of wade trails and also scenic river views, historic St. Mary"s City is certainly a special location where "Time & tide Meet."

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Maryland Toleration Act
The Toleration Act to be a reasonably progressive record written in 1649 permitting a vast latitude in religious toleration, particularly as it used to Catholics. Read the text of the theory at this site.

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Maryland"s residence of Delegates
From the Maryland State Archives, read about the early on years of Maryland"s Lower residence of Delegates and its battles with the Upper house whose members were appointed by mr Baltimore.

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c. 10,000 B.C.: Indians well-known to have actually lived in Maryland through this date.c. 1000 B.C. Indian development of pottery. C. 800 B.C. Indian introduction of trained plants.

c. 1000 A.D. Permanent Indian towns established.1498. Man Cabot cruised along eastern Shore off contemporary Worcester County.Follow Maryland"s timelineLearn More...Report broken link

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