it was powerful and well-disciplined; it was consisted of of extremely mobile systems calledlegions; it used reliable tactics; over there was continuous training and fierce loyalty
Rome determined to protect against Carthage from totally taking end Sicily. Rome was interested in the richplunder the a war might bring. Romans were concerned that Carthage to be planning to prolong its empireinto Italy.

You are watching: Which change occurred as a result of the punic wars

1. Using a new form of navalwarfare, Rome cd driver theCarthaginians the end of Sicily2.Hannibal launches a militaryexpedition end the Alps toattack Rome.3. Hannibal raids Italy,destroying plants andburning villages.4. Rome attacks Carthage anddefeats Hannibal.5. Rome burns Carthage,ending the 3rd Punic War.
North Africa became a roman province. Rome controlled all the west Mediterranean and also most that Spain
In 264 B.C., when the very first Punic war started, the borders of the roman inn Republic to be within whichpresent-day country?
146 B.C.; by the end of the Punic Wars, in 146 B.C., Rome had lugged together various peoples andformerly independent claims together under the manage of the republic.
How go the roman inn Republic maintain power and also control in the lands approximately the Mediterranean Sea it had actually conquered?
Rome"s northern Border- people harassed thinlystretched roman legions.Farmers - Couldn"t salary rent; drivenfrom your farmsPoor and also Rich - wealth from latifundiacreated a cultivation dividebetween the rich and thepoor.Conquered urban - grew restlessUrban troubles - Landless farmers andunemployed vets crowded right into Rome; riots damaged out.Slaves - launched revolts againsttheir masters
They pushed for land-reform legislations to redistribute public soil to poor soldiers and small farmers andextended roman citizenship.

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He elevated an enormous army of unemployment farmers and workers the was faithful to him, not to the republic
• Farmers were going bankrupt and being pushed from your farms.• The gap between the rich and also the bad was widening.• Rome was ending up being overcrowded and experiencing riots.• slaves were launching revolts versus their masters.• urban that Rome had overcame were growing restless.• people on Rome"s northern borders were harassing thinly extended Roman legions.



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